The Art of Love

in voilk •  5 months ago

    The 5 Love Languages

    1.Words of affirmation
    2.Quality time
    3.Receiving gifts
    4.Acts of service
    5.Physical touch

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    Keeping the emotional love tank full is as important to a marriage as maintaining the proper oil level is to an automobile. When your spouse’s emotional love tank is full and they feel secure in your love, the whole world looks bright and your spouse will move out to reach their highest potential in life.

    Words of appreciation

    Verbal compliments, or words of appreciation, are powerful communicators of love.
    Giving verbal compliments is one way to express words of affirmation to your spouse. Another dialect is encouraging words.
    We must first learn what is important to our spouse. Only then can we give encouragement.
    Sometimes our words say one thing, but our tone of voice says another.

    Quality time

    If your mate’s primary love language is quality time, your spouse simply wants you, being with them, spending time.
    Spending time with your mate in a common pursuit communicates that you care about each other, that you enjoy being with each other, that you like to do things together.
    One of the most common dialects is that of quality conversation. By quality conversation, mean sympathetic dialogue where two individuals are sharing their experiences, thoughts, feelings, and desires in a friendly, uninterrupted context.

    Words of affirmation focus on what we are saying, whereas quality conversation focuses on what we are hearing.
    We must be willing to give advice but only when it is requested and never in a condescending manner.

    Receiving gifts

    A gift is something you can hold in your hand and say, “Look, he was thinking of me,” or, “She remembered me.”
    Physical presence in the time of crisis is the most powerful gift you can give if your spouse’s primary love language is receiving gifts.

    Act of service

    By acts of service, mean doing things you know your spouse would like you to do.

    Love is not the answer to everything, but it creates a climate of security in which we can seek answers to those things that bother us.

    Can emotional love be reborn in a marriage? You bet. The key is to learn the primary love language of your spouse and choose to speak it.

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