It Is All About "Choice."

in voilk •  3 months ago

    There are a lot of topics that intersect with various aspects of human relationships, societal norms, and individual preferences but I would like to briefly share my thoughts on three of these topics.



    Marriage is often seen as a deep partnership between two or more humans from different works of life. These individuals exchange vows, promising to stand by each other through thick and thin but do these vows mean anything? Or are they just said because they are meant to be said?

    I am not a married woman but I have seen enough marriages to be able to differentiate the right from the wrong. It is no news that marriage comes with its ups and downs. Couples fight, get annoyed by each other and what not. This is totally normal because first, no human is perfect and second, we all come from different walks of life and this explains why we have different ways of doing things. But, at the end of the day what matters the most is that the partners tackle their issues to ensure peace reigns.

    However, I believe that the marriage institution isn't one to be rushed into. Asides from the medical compatibility, the two parties should also check to see if their values and goals align, amongst other things. When these things aren't confirmed, things like disharmony and by extension divorce could occur.



    This brings me to another very delicate issue–divorce. This is a very complex process involving legal, emotional and financial stress. I do know that divorce doesn't come cheap, especially in countries where the female partners are entitled to half of the male’s properties.

    Nonetheless, the percentage of couples who get divorced these days is just over the roof. One would think that the hurdles of having to go through many legal channels would make people rethink this decision, but it doesn't. One may be forced to think of the reason why people get married to eventually get a divorce? The reason why people get divorced these days are really ludicrous reasons. One valid reason why a person can get a divorce is if they have an abusive partner but these days, people get divorced because of bad table manners or even because their partner snores while asleep. Whatever happened to teaching, growing together and accommodating flaws? A few people have the ability to accommodate and and overlook certain things but to those who do not have this ability, there is another option..


    Sometimes, I am just glad that humans have evolved and so has their mindset. Growing up, staying single when one was of marriage age was a taboo. Such people were seen as menaces to the society and certainly, stigmatization followed.
    This reminds me of one very beautiful young woman who couldn't live with such stigmatization and eventually committed suicide.

    We always have choices to make at each point in life. Staying single is one of such choices. Some people are single by chance while others are single by choice. Being single shouldn't be a thing of shame or stigmatization. Personally, I admire the independence and resilience that people who are single by choice possess. They probably know that they cannot put up with the shortcomings of other people so they make the choice to remain single. Again, this is a choice and it is probably what works best for the person in question.

    In conclusion, the dynamics of divorce, marriage and singlehood are greatly influenced by our choices. Each path has its own challenges and rewards, and what works best for one person may not necessarily be the right option for another. It's important for individuals to reflect on their own values, needs, and aspirations when navigating these aspects of relationships for a smoother and more fulfilling life. Remember, life is meant to be lived.

    This article was inspired by the Inleo calendar for the month of April. You can find this calendar right here. Do join in the fun.


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