[Eng-Esp] Iniciativa reconciliacion/ Ganando en paz interior

in voilk •  6 months ago

    Saludos amiga y en especial mi saludos para @lilianajimenez,con esta gran iniciativa,sobre las reconciliaciones con uno mismo y por lo que pudieran aportar en este tema me encantaría ivitar a @osismi,a @wendyes y la visión de un hombre muy conocedor de estas materias,@tonyes.


    Durante el crecimiento creo que es muy común en cada ser humano autocriticarse pero sobre todo en la juventud porque en muchos casos no tenemos la aceptación de algunos que tienen patrones de vestir,hablar etc muy diferentes al nuestro y somos capaces de cambiar a cualquier precio para obtenerlo,queremos encajar en grupos diversos y no logramos encontrar nuestro estilo.

    Por tanto vivimos saboteandonos,constantemente,en una autocrítica férrea desde lo físico hasta lo psicológico ,solo en muchos casos para obtener el agrado,que con el paso del tiempo te das cuenta que era algo banal,que no aportaba a tu crecimiento y que solo conseguías vivir en un constante reproche.


    Criticar, juzgar,es propio del ser humano, y yo no estuve excepta pero como siempre les digo fui una joven con criterios firmes,siempre decia si me aceptan bien sino ellos se lo pierden,tenia claro quien era y lo que quería sin embargo no dejaba de exigirme, sobre lo perfecto,era muy perfeccionista,no aceptaba las cosas a medias o a mi criterio podían estar mejor,eso solo lograba enfermarme,llegaba a la casa y me cogía en vez de durmiendo pensando como podía haberlo echo mejor,me fui enfermando,en muchas ocasiones me veia emitiendo criterios sin escuchar ambas partes y lastimaba alguna personas solo con el paso de los años,y por suerte mas temprano que tarde,fui cambiando,comencé a ver las cosas diferentes cuando perdí a una gran amiga.


    me di cuenta que ser prejuiciosa no me llevaría a nada que,estaba haciendo algo mal, debía de estar en paz conmigo misma y comencé haciendo un ejercicio que me resulta siempre ,no dejo de hacerlo,tomo una hoja en blanco la divido en dos con una linea y a la derecha escribo lo positivo,las acciones buenas que pude haber echo,la satisfacciones en sentido general y a la izquierda lo negativo ,lo que debo cambiar ,lo que no dio resultado y veo al final un balance de cada aspecto.

    Eso me ha permitido ser hoy un ser humano que vivo en paz conmigo misma,canalizo las emociones con mayor control,he dejado los exabruptos.aprendí a quererme,a regalarme tiempo ,consentirme un poco mas.

    Caundo somos capaces de reconocer donde nos equivocamos,y rectificar entonces solo estamos consiguiendo crecer como seres humanos,porque la clave esta en reconocer y rectificar,como dijo alguien rectificar es de sabios.
    pero para eso debemos siempre empezar por rectificarnos a nosotros mismos,en esa búsqueda de causa y efecto,errores y rectificaciones,se nos va el tiempo y después viene la famosas frases,si yo hubiera sabido...,si yo hubiera echo..... en fin


    Siempre ahí belleza en lo feo,y un aprendizaje bueno de lo malo,es solo encontrarlo,con tus herramientas que no son las mismas para todos pero si para todos deben de tener un buen resultado que no es mas que el crecimiento,como persona,la paz interna,y un mejor individuo para la sociedad
    Por tanto la reconciliaciones son duras,y a veces mas largas de lo esperado pero relamente vale la pena


    Greetings friend and especially my greetings to @lilianajimenez,with this great initiative,about reconciliations with oneself and for what they could contribute in this topic I would love to ivit @osismi,@wendyes and the vision of a man very knowledgeable in these matters,@tonyes.


    While growing up I think it is very common in every human being to self-criticize but especially in youth because in many cases we do not have the acceptance of some who have patterns of dress, speak etc very different from ours and we are able to change at any cost to get it, we want to fit in diverse groups and we fail to find our style.

    Therefore we live sabotaging ourselves, constantly, in an iron self-criticism from the physical to the psychological, only in many cases to obtain the pleasure, that with the passage of time you realize that it was something banal, that did not contribute to your growth and that you only managed to live in a constant reproach.


    Criticizing, judging, is typical of human beings, and I was no exception but as I always say I was a young woman with firm criteria, I always said if they accept me well if they don't they are missing out, I was clear about who I was and what I wanted but I never stopped demanding, about perfection, I was very perfectionist, I did not accept things half way or in my opinion they could be better, That only made me sick, I would get home and fuck myself instead of sleeping thinking how I could have done better, I was getting sick, many times I saw myself issuing criteria without listening to both sides and hurt some people just over the years, and luckily sooner rather than later, I was changing, I began to see things differently when I lost a great friend.


    I realized that being prejudiced would not lead me to anything, I was doing something wrong, I had to be at peace with myself and I started doing an exercise that I always do, I do not stop doing it, I take a blank sheet of paper, I divide it in two with a line and on the right side I write the positive, the good actions I could have done, the satisfaction in general and on the left side the negative, what I should change, what did not work and I see at the end a balance of each aspect.

    That has allowed me to be today a human being who lives in peace with myself, I channel my emotions with more control, I have left the outbursts. I learned to love myself, to give myself time, to pamper myself a little more.

    When we are able to recognize where we are wrong, and rectify then we are only getting to grow as human beings, because the key is to recognize and rectify, as someone said, to rectify is wise.
    But for that we must always start by rectifying ourselves, in this search for cause and effect, mistakes and rectifications, we lose time and then comes the famous phrases, if I had known ..., if I had echo..... in short.


    There is always beauty in the ugly, and a good learning from the bad, is only to find it, with your tools that are not the same for everyone but for all should have a good result that is nothing more than growth, as a person, inner peace, and a better individual for society.
    Reconciliations are hard, and sometimes longer than expected, but it is really worth it.

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