in voilk •  3 months ago

    Even Solomon at some point was considered a cast away.
    ~Brother Eli

    The concept of being chosen by God is one that is not widely understood. No matter wether or no you were Chosen by God, that does not give you the one way ticket to go into Heaven. We have to obey all God's commandments in other to enter into he kingdom of heaven.

    Screenshot gotten from the video teachings.

    The fact that we are chooses by God does not mean that we should not be careful with what we do. It does not mean that we should not maintain ourselves and act accordingly to the will of God. Wether or not we are chosen by God, we should be very much ready to keep all the commandments of God else we will be castaways

    The story of King Solomon tells us how he was chosen before birth. He was destined to be the appointed king that will rule Israel and build a temple for the Lord. When David wanted to build a temple for the Lord, the Lord replied and said tbat he is not the one that will build a temple for him, but the son of David will be the one who will erect a building for the Lord as his temple.

    1 Chronicles 28:3 But God said unto me, Thou shalt not build an house for my name, because thou hast been a man of war, and hast shed blood. 28:4 Howbeit the LORD God of Israel chose me before all the house of my father to be king over Israel for ever: for he hath chosen Judah to be the ruler; and of the house of Judah, the house of my father; and among the sons of my father he liked me to make me king over all Israel:

    God has already chosen Solomon as the chosen one to build a temple for him even before he was born.

    This Bible verse has opened my eyes to understand that even when we serve God, we should not stain our hands with blood or any thing that are illegal and God

    1 Chronicles 22:9 Behold, a son shall be born to thee, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his enemies round about: for his name shall be Solomon, and I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his days. 22:10 He shall build an house for my name; and he shall be my son, and I will be his father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel for ever.

    This verse has shown us how God chose Solomon and even named him before he was born. He was chosen to be king and build a house for God.

    However, due to the fact that he was not careful, he was considered by God as a castaway

    We should always be careful and heed to the warnings of God.

    Thank you for reading and may God bless you.

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