We are all followers, we are all yes-sayers.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Do you realize a person’s character and skills are far more important than money, fame, looks and all that other garbage we like to think is oh so important? Would you want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with someone with a pocketful of cash and good looks? Or rather with someone who knows how to make a shelter, hunt, fish and build a fire?

    Unfortunately, we are in an ecosystem which is full of followers and most of them are just a bunch of unashamed blind yes-sayers. Where most of them are always trying to please only the plutocracy with its limited, limiting and biased mentality in order to preserve their arepas muzzle. And what I regret the most is that the majority are Hispanic.

    So I have to ask you: Is it that by chance the content I have written over the years, the content I write and the content I'm gonna continue writing is plagiarized content? Is it spam? Is it scams? Is it disinformation? Is it offensive? Are just plain lies and deceptions? Do they have the intention of attacking or defame someone unjustifiably? Nope, right?

    And yet, I have almost two years where all my content, including my comments, have been arbitrarily downvoted and zeroed nonstop without any justification by the useless account of @adm which is managed by @hivewatchers under the control of a single stubborn and brainless idiot like @logic under the guardianship, approval, complicity and financial support of @guiltyparties who is his boss and the biggest idiot in this whole plot and no one has said, done or will do anything about it?

    What are you waiting for?

    ¿Are you waiting for your turn?

    Yeah, I know very well that many who read this post will think that all this is just a complaint. A particular and personal complaint of mine that should not matter to anyone. But in reality it is not. I can assure you that it's not a mere complaint. Especially if you have taken the trouble to watch the video with which I started this post. Video which for those who don't speak Spanish, then just turn on the English subtitles if want to know.

    Because all this that has been happening to me and is still happening to me today, has already happened to many others before. Hundreds if not thousands of them.

    The only difference is that I have been more insistent and persistent in my public denounce and I have not thrown in the towel nor have I abandoned the battle of trying to raise awareness among all those who can and must make a true difference.

    Because in fact, I really couldn't care less about the four cents that they steal from me week after week without stopping. Which obviously are also stolen from my few "curators" who still support me. But because I have already begun to notice that in the absence of black sheep like me who are not afraid to tell things as they are, other users have already begun of being attacked without any reason or justification given the scarcity of enough "misfits" within the platform. Just «click» and check who they are.

    So, what's stopping you from being the subject number 585?

    "Subject 585"

    What really is preventing you from counteracting the disastrous labor of these useless brainless people supported by a string of also useless submissives, parasites and asslickers who find no other reason in their lives than discourage, scare away and banish those users who really have some gray matter in their brains and have something important to say and share for your well-being, happiness and prosperity in this world?

    How do you counteract them? Well, start by not supporting them by clicking here.

    And then, just dare to upvote every post they have downvoted and you have verified that there wasn't and wouldn't be any reason for having been downvoted & zeroed.

    Or is it that by now you are just afraid of losing your temporary arepas muzzle and you are not at all afraid of dying like a coward and without any dignity when it becomes also your turn to be dismissed, discarded and thrown into the trash when they no longer needs you? Because whether you want it or not, sooner or later that's going to happen.

    In any case, click here and check out what a sentient being with above-average intelligence recently told me when asked what to do with obstinate and stubborn people. Or is it that you really don't plan to do anything about it and are you going to submissively wait for your more than certain demise when it's your turn to be abused for years?

    Stay away from this pestilence, clean yourself, disinfect yourself, fight their bad smell, get vaccinated against this toxic plague and behavior and eradicate them from your existence.

    ¡Smell like if you look amazing!

    Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


    "Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

    Cranky Gandalf


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