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I wanted to combine some fabrics with plaid and flower prints, even single-color ones, and the truth is that it looks great. You can even make your pincushion only with single-color fabrics, and then you decide how to do it 🥰.```
🌸This pincushion will be very useful to organize the pins and have them closer at hand. If you are like me and want to have the pins close by when you are sewing, it will help you a lot. I hope you like this project and can do it. Let's start doing it and here are the simple steps.

Materiales:// Materials:
- Usaremos recortes de tela de los que tú quieras y tengas en casa
- Relleno de muñecos
- Tijera
- Hilo y aguja
- 1 botón
- 1 círculo de cartón como patrón
- We will use fabric scraps of whatever you want and have at home
- Doll stuffing
- Scissors
- Thread and needle
- 1 button
- 1 cardboard circle as a pattern
Pasos a seguir://Steps to follow:

Paso 01
Step 01
I started by cutting 12 triangles with my fabric scraps, we will use the cardboard circle to measure the size of the pincushion after we have joined both pieces, for now we are going to cut triangles, the size of your triangles depends a lot on the width you make the pincushion too, these that I have made from the tip of each triangle to the bottom are 6 cm, so on our machine we are going to join them, I placed one on top of the other and started sewing.

Paso 02
Step 02
We are going to sew the third triangle on top of the second one and we are going to complete all the pieces, that is, sew them until we have sewn all 6 together, forming a circle that we are then going to measure with the cardboard. I wanted this measurement myself, but if you want your pincushion smaller, you can measure it using a slightly smaller glass or a round cup.

Paso 03
Step 03
Then we sew the outline of our pieces by joining both circular pieces and we will leave an opening where we will insert the filling, then we will grab our thread and needle and in that part where we insert the filling, that little hole we will seal with invisible stitching so that our seam cannot be seen, with the same thread and needle we will make the shape of our flower on the pincushion by the parts where each triangle joins.

Paso 04
Step 04
Finally, with my thick needle I decided to insert five strands of thread and sew the button. We adjust the strands of thread to the button so that it does not come loose. We sew it right in the center, so our flower is in the shape of a pincushion, now finished.
Resultado:// Result:
I really loved this pincushion and I think it will become one of my favorites over the next few months. It's very comfortable and practical when I sit down to sew in my favorite corner, the seams one. If you liked it, don't forget to tell me what you thought and if you've already made a pincushion like this, you could also leave me your photos in the comments. I'll be very happy to see your pincushions made by you 😍.
I hope you have a nice Tuesday and I say goodbye to you, I send you a virtual hug friends, see you soon 🫂💖.

Creating things with love 🌷❤️
🦋✨ All the images in this publication are my author ,📱taken with my TecnoSpark8C cell phone |📸Photos edited in PicsArt and Canva. Text translated in Google Translate.