WOO - Potential WrestleMania 40 Double Turn by The Rock Against Roman Reigns and The Bloodline

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hey, wrestling fans and welcome back to Wrestling Organization Online, WOO.

    For a long time now I have been pondering about WrestleMania 40 and the huge fuss around the likely double turn between The Rock, Cody Rhodes, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins.

    I have talked on a similar topic already but here's another side to it.

    Being a diehard WWE fan, my intent was to share with you my ideas concerning this intriguing storyline speculation.

    Let us begin by talking about The Rock. Isn’t it true that everyone loves The Great One? His homecoming in WWE has been extremely exciting and his feud with Cody Rhodes has added another level of passion into the equation.

    Now, the idea of The Rock turning bad and joining forces with Roman Reigns and The Bloodline is certainly interesting. This like an encounter between past and present; I’m all for that!

    On the other hand, there is Cody Rhodes – “The American Nightmare.” In WWE he went through many ups and downs but seeing him come back to spotlight once again is quite something special.

    If The Rock ever changes sides and start helping Cody, I bet that would make all the difference; That is how important it is. It looks like an ultimate David and Goliath story with Cody being David, and I can’t help but cheer him on.

    And then we have Seth Rollins. As in every other part of this saga he has been playing his role very well, though his loyalty has been a bit unpredictable. On one hand, he comes up for Cody and pledges to protect him from The Bloodline. But still, there’s something about him that makes me think the worst might happen.

    Could Seth be working as a double agent? Does he have a hidden agenda to join side with the Bloodline at last minute and backstab Cody? There is no end to the possibilities, which makes it too exciting for me.

    Now that’s a brave proposition just in case there will be a double turn at wrestle mania 40; if I may say so myself.

    It would change everything and leave people like me even more confused than before. You know what,I am glad!

    That is the very thing that makes WWE so thrilling. It all comes down to unpredictability, which is filled with breathtaking moments that leave us yearning for more.

    If such a double turn does take place, be certain I will not move even an inch in front of my screen.

    Finally, as regards to WrestleMania 40 and the idea of a double turn, this still remains a matter of speculation at this point though I cannot but help become excited over what might happen.

    The Rock, Cody Rhodes, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins are all power houses in their own right and seeing them coming together in such an epic showdown would be a dream come true for any wrestling fan.

    So here’s to hoping that WWE delivers the goods and gives us the ultimate thrill ride on the Grandest Stage of Them All.

    Let’s make WrestleMania 40 one for the history books.


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