The Glory: A series well worth watching [ENG/ESP]

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Hello, how are you? It's been a long time since I've posted anything here, and it even seems like I've forgotten about series and movies, but just to put your minds at ease, that's not the case. Lately I've felt like watching Korean series and it's not the first time I've watched them but I had commented a long time ago that I didn't like them or I didn't feel attracted to them, but, I'm seeing their charm, just this week I started watching one that is not so new, but it is for me and almost like a marathon, I finished watching the first part in just one day.

    ¡Hola! ¿Que tal? Hace mucho tiempo que no posteo nada aquí, e incluso parece que me he olvidado de las series y películas, pero para que estén tranquilos, no es así. Últimamente me han entrado ganas de ver series coreanas y no es la primera vez que las veo pero igual hace mucho había comentado que no me gustaban o no me sentía atraída hacia ellas, pero, les estoy viendo el encanto, justo esta semana empecé a ver uno que no es tan nuevo, pero si lo es para mi y casi como si fuese un maratón, acabe de ver la primera parte en solo un día.


    The Glory narrates the path to revenge of Moon Dong-eun, a girl who was bullied at school by several classmates who were not punished because they were basically protected by their millionaire parents and the teachers did not care what happened to the victims of bullying by these kids, Dong-eun was determined to take revenge on those who had bullied her for years at school and for that she would need a long time of preparation to be able to consummate her revenge.

    The Glory narra el camino hacia la venganza de Moon Dong-eun, una chica que recibió acoso escolar por parte de varios compañeros que, no recibían un castigo porque básicamente eran protegidos por sus padres millonarios y a los profesores no les importaba lo que le pasaba a las victimas del acoso por parte de estos chicos, Dong-eun estaba decidida a vengarse de los que la habían acosado por años en la escuela y para ello necesitaría mucho tiempo de preparación para poder consumar su venganza.


    The first chapters of this series were very shocking for me, because they portray all the mistreatment that Dong-eun was subjected to, I don't know if I am very innocent, but I still can't understand why there are people who simply enjoy hurting others. Dong-eun was not the only girl who was bullied, before her there was another girl who was bullied to death. Honestly, it fills me with satisfaction that Dong-eun takes revenge on those who made her life miserable, everyone failed her, even her mother.

    Los primeros capítulos de esta serie fueron muy impactantes para mi, ya que estos retratan todos los maltratos que le hacían a Dong-eun, no se si yo soy muy inocente, pero aun no puedo llegar a entender el porque hay personas que simplemente disfrutan haciéndole daño a otras. Dong-eun no era la única chica a la que acosaban, antes de ella hubo otra a la que acosaron hasta la muerte. Sinceramente me llena de satisfacción que Dong-eun se vengue de los que le hicieron la vida imposible, todo el mundo le fallo, incluso su madre.


    If you want to know everything that happens, please watch The Glory, you will not regret it, I have not finished it yet but I highly recommend it, Korean productions can often pleasantly surprise, it is a story that makes you wonder if the actions of a person really go unpunished, I hope you are encouraged to see it. I'll say goodbye for now, thank you very much for reading and see you later in another post ❤️

    Si quieren saber todo lo que acontece, por favor vean The Glory, no se van a arrepentir, yo aun no la termino pero se las recomiendo ampliamente, las producciones coreanas muchas veces pueden sorprender gratamente, es una historia que te hace preguntarte si realmente las acciones de una persona quedan impunes realmente, espero que se animen a verla. Yo por ahora me despido, muchas gracias por leerme y nos vemos luego en otro post ❤️

    Translated by DeepL

    Traducido por DeepL

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