Success comes with a price

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    I came across a post on WhatsApp today where a guy claimed that Crypto is the easiest way to print money. I respectfully disagree with this belief since it can mislead people into losing money. While Crypto may seem like an easy way to make quick cash, it is important to remember that there is always a price to pay for everything. Investing in Crypto requires careful consideration and can be a challenging process, especially when starting out. Making money from Crypto is not always a straightforward process and can come at a significant cost.

    This is the kind of belief I had when I joined Crypto in 2018, and I lost almost every penny I had due to a lack of knowledge and experience. The price to pay most times in Crypto It's not always about the money you are earning, it's about the fear, market vitality, greed, and so on that comes with crypto, simply because not everybody can handle an 80% loss of their money. Sometimes it's even worse. We have a project that has been around for 7 to 8 years and lost 97% of its market value in bear season, and the truth is not everybody can handle this pressure, and these are the prices you pay in Crypto.

    Sometimes the weak hands are not weak but lack experience and knowledge

    We often get caught up in the illusion of quick profits that people post online. This illusion creates a false sense of wealth and encourages people to take risks without fully understanding the potential consequences. People invest their hard-earned money based on the belief that they can quickly make a fortune through cryptocurrency, only to lose 40 to 50% of their investment in just a few months. This sudden loss causes panic, and many people sell their investments without fully understanding the project they invested in. The motivation behind these investments is often driven by the desire for quick wealth, rather than a genuine interest or understanding of the project.

    This is what creates weak hands most of the time, where people cannot hold their coins during the bear season phase simply because their orientation was not right from the start, and by the time they get to know how the market works and also paying the price for what they will be earning in the future, they get scared, the pain becomes unbearable, the lack of sleep and the fear of them losing all their life savings o overwhelm them. Because of this, they sell without even considering the price anymore. They just want to take something out without losing it all.

    There is always a price to pay for every success story

    Understanding all sources doesn't come easy. For instance, you may think you can easily pick a lock by looking at how simple they are until you try it yourself. Similarly, when people hear about individuals who have made millions from Memcoin, they may assume it's simple. However, when they try investing their money into some of these shitcoins that plummet to zero within a couple of hours, and calculate their losses, they quickly realize that the risk isn't worth it. Investing may seem easy on paper, but can you handle it?

    Success always comes with a price, and we should never underestimate the effort required to achieve it. Though the payment may seem simple, we must be prepared to pay it. However, we should be cautious and not rush into making a financial decision without proper research. It's always better to be prepared and avoid regretting our choices later on

    More from dwayne16

    Instinct and knowledge the polar in making a financial decision

    the impact of technology

    do the extra work

    Greed: the unsatisfied hunger for money

    Is it stupidity or manipulation

    Analyzing the market is good for everyone in crypto.

    Invest in what you understand.

    Thanks for your time.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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