Saturday Savers Club / week 6 - Moving towards my goals

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Greetings savers!

    After last week I had a hard time meeting my daily goals, this week went by smoothly, I just had to arm myself with patience and wait for the rewards of my publications and here we are today to try to deliver my update on Saturday as I had planned to do from the beginning, but I understand that's what it's all about, effort, sacrifice, patience, discipline, responsibility, perseverance and hard work, well, we are working in all those areas.

    Image taken from @eddie-earner publication and edited in Paint

    Now, although I am focused I understand that this begins to put resistance, so I must increase work and commitment, plus an ingredient that some do not like to mention much, and that ingredient is faith, this remains intact, but I am increasing the other ingredients that I mentioned before, so we move forward focused on the objectives, convinced that we will achieve it.

    As a side note, I want to thank each one of the committed savers, the members of this community who serve as an inspiration for those of us who are getting there, I hope that someday I can serve as an inspiration to others, tell my story and from there see how others feel inspired to follow this path, of course, I need to win, achieve the goals and have something to show at the end of each year.

    Weekly report...

    In order not to make this post so long, I will go with what my week was like, sharing some graphs and screenshots related to my account.

    According to HiveStats, these were my rewards for the last 7 days, 21.35 Hive Power and 7.23 HBD although it is not much for me it is very satisfying as this allows me to stay focused on achieving my goals.


    The following is the progress of my secondary goal, where I have already surpassed the 378 Hive Power barrier, and I am on my way to reach my goal of 600 Hive Power before the end of the year.

    Although this is representing a real challenge since I refrain from withdrawing Hive to defray expenses, I am holding on to the desire that something unexpected does not happen that forces me to dip into what little I have, since my goal is not to "touch" anything until I reach my goal.


    My main goal continues to go according to plan, although it became somewhat difficult last week, this week I was able to cover the deficit of the previous week and what corresponded to this week that is ending, so with this week's goal fulfilled I now have about 20 HBD in savings, something I had never done before in this Blockchain, this without a doubt for me is a great achievement.

    I must tell you that all this keeps me very motivated, and I see myself well in a couple of years applying and everything I am learning here, I just hope to keep the motivation and discipline needed to maintain a sustained growth every year based on setting sensible goals.


    Daily and weekly control


    Level 62 unlocked, if friends 62 days of this year and 62 days of challenge successfully overcome, understanding that the further we go into the year, the challenge becomes more difficult, however, it is also true that the conviction grows, giving us the certainty that it is possible to achieve it, so here we move forward day by day as established by this very well designed challenge.

    Control semanal.png

    Well satisfactorily we have already reached week number 9, between offline occupations and the commitment with the community, the weeks go by without stopping, I just hope that at the end of each week I can review my goals and have added what is needed to move forward smoothly.

    Summary of progress towards objectives

    HIVE POWER333.19960012.374378.5277.55%

    Ok friends so we close one more week looking ahead, with our eyes on the goal, thankful for the community and all the support we receive whenever someone shares their progress, the time they have been focused on growth and savings, plus the investment opportunities that exist in this community.

    Until next week when we will bring another progress update, for now we are focused and going for more.

    Banner taken from the original publication by @eddie-earner

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