Cover edited with images from Splinterlands
Hello everyone, this time I will be participating in this Splinterlands Challenge, where I will show you one of my favorite strategies using an awesome summoner that when some requirements are active, will bring chaos to the enemy lineup.
I really like being aggressive in games, too much I would say, sometimes inventing new ways to do it, but unfortunately there are a lot of defensive strategies in many games and Splinterlands is no exception. But still, I try to break them, sometimes forcing them too much.
One way to destroy the enemy lineup quickly and one of my favorites is to use the summoner: Conqueror Jacek, why? Because the abilities it grants to allied units allow them to be very aggressive just the way I like, especially with certain rulesets.
Jacek is the only legendary fire summoner in the Chaos Legion set, very unique.
As you may know, fire element cards tend to be very aggressive and so does Jacek.
As a summoner, he will grant +2 SPEED to all allied units making them faster and more likely to attack first than enemies, which is a huge advantage.
Also, Jacek will grant the PIERCING ability to allied units, so if the unit's attack exceeds the enemy unit's armor, the remaining damage will be dealth to its health. Therefore, your powerful melee attack units will not be mocked by enemy units with 1 armor.

Additionally, he will grant the Scattershot ability, allowing allied ranged and magic units to perform random attacks on enemy units.
This way, your units can avoid attacking annoying defensive units like Grimbardun Smith or Inevitable who are usually on the frontline, and units with the Taunt ability, like Agor Longtail or Bera Dallin, who are also resistant units.

And the enemy backline units that have the Camouflage ability, which cannot be attacked by direct attacks, thanks to the Scattershot, since this is an indirect attack, your units can destroy them.

Explosives Everywhere
I like to take advantage of the Scattershot ability that Jacek gives to allied units, for that I try to use units that have the Blast ability, so when they attack they do half the damage to units adjacent to the target unit. Since they have random attacks, the more units the opponent summons, the more likely they are to attack the backline units, dealing more damage to them. Unfortunately as I play in the modern league, there are only 7 units (5 fire and 2 neutral) that can be summoned , I wish there were more, maybe in the future.

If the Explosive Weaponry ruleset is active, all units will gain the Blast ability, making it easier for any of your units to create chaos in battles.
Faster than Flash
I don't know how that subtitle came to my mind, but I really liked it. Jacek grants +2 speed to all your units, so why not increase the speed of your allies even more by using units with the Swiftness ability, and why not slow down enemies with units that have the Slow ability.

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This way you guarantee that your units will attack first than the enemy units, well, almost always except when the enemy also uses the same strategy.
Of course, like any card in the Splinterlands universe, Conqueror Jacek has a weakness, well, actually he has many weaknesses, and those are his own abilities, so you have to be very careful when you decide to use Jacek.
- The +2 Speed to your allies is pretty good most of the time, but don't use it when the Reverse Speed ruleset is active, the name says it all, making slower units attack first and faster ones last. You don't want to slow down your units, I hope.

- The Scattershot ability is not always good as your units will perform random attacks, you can attack enemy units that your units wanted to avoid or attack last, such as enemy units that have the Redemption and especially those with the Martyr ability.
Your Scattershot units may be unlucky enough to defeat certain enemy units first, such as:

When units with MARTYR are defeated, their adjacent allies gain +1 to all stats, you don't want to help your enemies by increasing their power.

When units with REDEMPTION are defeated, your entire team will take 1 point of physical damage, it may not be that dangerous.

This is a good example of a battle where my opponent uses Jacek and due to the Scattershot ability, his Djinn Inferni, unfortunately for him, attacked my Martyr unit defeating it, thanks to this my Deeplurker and Djinn Oshannus get +1 to all stats, giving me an advantage. This shows, as I mentioned before, that sometimes the Scattershot ability can benefit the enemy lineup. I won this battle, by the way.

This battle shows how well the Explosive Weaponry ruleset works with Jacek. Thanks to the Scattershot ability, my units avoid Diemonshark and attack the backline units, causing a lot of damage to the enemy lineup. Additionally, I further increased the speed of my units, as I mentioned before, this is good so your units can attack first than the enemies and have less chance of missing attacks.
This battle turns out to be very exciting, as I managed to win with only one unit alive, Rush Townsend (the Fox) who survived with 1 HP. A very close battle.

Full Battle
It would be cool to have a fire or neutral unit (or why not a dual element one) to complement Jacek, that has a new ability like, let me think about it... TRUE EXPLOSIVES: if there are 3 or more allied units that have 7 or more speed, one random friendly backline unit gains the Blast and True Strike abilities.

I really like Pallus and Riklauniman, they both have a special ability that only works when they are both on the battlefield.
So why not create the Phoenix that stands next to Jacek as a creature that has a special ability only when summoned by Jacek?
Ummm, what could it be?... how about DIVINE ASHES?... the first allied unit that is defeated and when the Phoenix is defeated, it turns into an egg that can be destroyed with one attack (two instances of blast damage), if the egg survives for 1 round or 2 (I don't know if 2 rounds is too long), it resurrects with full HP and armor.

Do you like using Jacek, or just meh about it? Am I missing any strategy? Share them in the comments, I would love to know about it.
That's all for now guys, if you haven't played Splinterlands yet, you can join with my referral link. See you on the battlefield!