#CrapGotPublished - Castration The Advantages and the Disadvantages

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Every week I present a new book, that has a funny title, cover or is in my opinion crap that somebody has published... The event runs under the hastags 🙈 #RandomThingsTuesday #CrapGotPublished

    The next book of this series is the one with the lovely title:

    "Castration The Advantages and the Disadvantages" 😱

    Castration The Advantages and the Disadvantages.jpeg

    ... this time with a book, that... well answers a question I never would have asked myself: "Castration"

    One of the truest miracles is how a book with such an shocking title, can have such a plain cover.
    But I guess you would not want to see anything either that relates to the title 🙈

    When I found the book I thought it is a bigass joke and added it to my crap-list.
    Astonishingly enough the author really goes deep into the topic without joking at all.
    He quotes a lot of other sources and describes everything about castration in the utterst detail.
    Starting from the history in ancient civilications going to the differences in various countries and cultural aspects.
    Furthermore the operation itself is described and the health implications that (I did not knew that) can be really positive for the body.

    After reading I was kind of shocked and depressed and I guess you could feel the same after starting a "CrapGotPublished" article and receiving no jokes, but only serious content.

    So lets end this one with a fun note, and my personal Pros & Cons about the topic without any relation to the books content.


    1. A lot of extra space "down there". You could carry some extra cash with you without having to worry about being robbed.
    2. Getting kicked in the nuts is no big deal anymore
    3. You have a ton of extra time. Just consider never thinking about humping, and the time you could save without jerking off


    1. Your jewels will not grow back. Gone is gone.
    2. The probability is high that your get a nice pair of man boobs instead.
    3. You have nothing to scratch anymore. C'mon boys you know exactly what I mean... playing a round of pocket-billard is always fun

    If you want to get depressed here is the amazon link 😉
    See you next week with my presentation of a shocking new crap book! 👍


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