Details that make me enjoy my coffee

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Details that make me enjoy my coffee..png

    I am convinced that becoming a coffee lover is one of the best experiences that I have lived, before loving coffee I did not understand many of the things that coffee lovers did or rather do, now I do, even now I understand more the lyrics of a song by a famous band from my country, Guaco.

    The song that I mentioned in the previous paragraph is titled "One Cigarette And A Coffee" and throughout its lyrics it describes different situations of different people or different contexts in which a cigarette and a coffee are present, such as during breaks at the office, or when cab drivers are driving, also when students get together and even in funeral ceremonies.


    from PxHere

    So, talking about these things that accompany coffee and remembering this song brought to my mind two friends who smoke and both drink coffee while they do it, but for both of them they do not represent the same thing, one drinks it, but I do not see her as a coffee lover, rather I have perceived her as someone who got used to this drink and needs it to avoid headaches due to the dose of caffeine that her body requests and she sees it as an accompaniment to her main vice, the cigarette, but the other one loves coffee and seeks to drink the brand that guarantees her, according to her taste, a quality coffee, but they have something in common, they accompany their coffee with a cigarette.

    As for me, I do not smoke, but that does not mean that I do not have something that makes me enjoy my coffee more, in the case of my grandmother and my husband, as well as my son if there is a piece of bread, of any kind that they can dip in their afternoon coffee, their faces express a deep satisfaction and taste, but for me it is something simple, which makes me enjoy it, one a colorful cup to my taste and second to drink it without haste or pressure.


    Because of the above, I could not process how some people can drink their coffee in a hurry in one sip; for me that would be not enjoying it. Not to mention that if it was too hot it would burn my mouth, tongue and throat, plus drinking the cups almost full, it took me my time to drink it and really enjoy it.

    In short, I can't stand to drink my coffee in a hurry. This makes me even get in a bad mood, it's a terrible thing for me, I would rather stop drinking it. The basic and simple reason is that I believe that coffee is something to be enjoyed in each sip and calmly.

    As for if there is a special place, I have noticed that I enjoy coffee much more at home than when I drink it at the office, maybe it is because there I have to have breakfast as fast as possible, first because I really should not arrive there having breakfast and secondly, if I have any pending task I should catch up.


    On the other hand, at home I can sit and talk with my husband or we both drink our coffee in silence or he turns on the TV, because he is addicted to watching series and movies. Sometimes I tell him that without this device he would die. About my mugs, a few months ago I bought the newest one and have been rotating them for use. The truth is that I have thought about acquiring more, but the issue is the space we have, so for now I will try to avoid impulses.

    In summary, I believe that every coffee-loving human being enjoys it in his or her own way and it is something both acceptable and respectable, so I say goodbye leaving here the lines that share my experience for this #STB 70

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