The Day I Tried Playing Splinterlands on PS4 Console

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Hi guys! Just the other day, I tried playing Splinterlands on my console, I had some friends around, we just finished several fifa matches so it was just that moment of snoozing around doing nothing.

    So I connected the console to internet and typed in and lo behold the interface loaded up and everyone’s face lit up in excitement.

    First of, Splinterlands graphics looks so lush on Big screen TV, the details in the cards are super sharp and lit, the artworks are out of the world and legit blow many legacy games artwork out of the water. That being said.

    I encountered my first hurdle when I tried to sign in, you know how signing in with a native browser is where you’ll have to use posting key or keychain and since there was no keychain on PS4 console I had to enter my posting key one by one, total hassle.

    I eventually successfully got it done, signed in and went into the battle arena, everyone had their eyes glued, the Splinterlands game they never really bothered about became the item of excitement in that moment. So I selected my deck of cards and submitted. You should have seen me navigating the screen with my pad it was so cool.

    But the screen wouldn’t go past that stage, I tried refreshing many times, I couldn’t lay my hands on what was exactly wrong but all the excitement came to an end at that point. It was as if the console was not strong enough to load the remaining of the battle part, the part where the cards were to go against each other the whole screen was just blank.

    Maybe it’s a bug, maybe sometime in the future, or on a different more powerful console I’ll be able to achieve that frenzy, if you have a console, you should totally try it if you don’t mind the hassle of having to enter your posting key one after the other.

    As everyone's attention was pulled back to the blank screen, I tried a couple more tricks, hoping to kickstart the action. There was this collective sense of anticipation—you could almost hear the shared heartbeat of the group, waiting for the cards to clash. Unfortunately, nothing worked. We ended up switching off the console and gathered around my old laptop.

    I connected the laptop to the same big screen TV via HDMI, fired up Splinterlands again, and voila! Everything ran smoothly. The cards animated with mesmerizing fluidity, and the colors popped so vividly it felt like a whole new experience. Everyone cheered as the battles unfolded, each of us shouting strategies and bets on which cards would dominate.

    This impromptu setup turned into a gaming marathon that lasted into the wee hours of the morning. When we finally called it a night, we were already planning our next session. It was clear that our unexpected shift from console to laptop had not only saved the evening but also elevated our gaming experience. So if you're ever in a similar bind, remember, a little flexibility and quick thinking can transform a potential disappointment into an unforgettable adventure.

    And who knows? The next time you gather around a big screen with your friends, you might just discover a new favorite way to play. Whether it's with a console, a laptop, or even a mobile device, the joy of gaming comes from the shared experience, the challenges faced, and the memories made. So, gear up, log in, and dive into your own gaming saga—Splinterlands awaits!

    Thanks for reading fam!

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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