in voilk •  4 months ago

    I know myself to have, in my opinion, a healthy dose of self control, but there are some times I can't just help being stubborn, especially to my instincts and known facts. Well, I am a human and I am complicated.


    There was this time I went over to my uncle's house for a little visit. He has two sons. At the time, the elder son who is older than myself was in the university. And the younger son, who is a year older than myself was just a class ahead of me in high school. one. The best thing about every one of my visits to my uncle's house was his wife's dishes. I loved everything about her cooking.

    My visit was over and it was time for me to return home.
    My uncle was sitting in the living room watching a football game alone, if Pete, his elder son who was in the university was around, they probably would have been making a lot of noise as they saw the game together.

    "Good evening, sir," i greeted him as I sat on the sofa next to him

    "Oh! SOKA, how are you?" He asked and jerked as he watched an almost clean goal.

    "I just wanted to make sure that you are aware that I will be leaving for my house tomorrow morning,"

    " Oh really! So fast?. I had thought you would stay longer with us till your classes resumed." He made a joke.

    I giggled as I answered him, "I can't. You know how my mom, your sister is. If she has instructed me to come and I don't come on the date she has given, all hell will break loose,"

    "That is totally true. Well okay, I will be around tomorrow morning so I can see you before you leave," he replied

    I stood up and took my leave after relaying the information I wanted to. I was already at the door when he called me back."SOKA, come first,"
    I retreated and took the seat I previously occupied. Then he called James who came down from his room.

    "Yes daddy," James answered the call as he stood beside his dad.
    My uncle then cleared his throat before he started talking "James, you are going to register for the upcoming exam in Port Harcourt right?"

    "Yes Dad, the registration has already begun."

    "You know what, you will journey with your cousin here, SOKA, tomorrow, so you could do the registration, and also spend a few days at their house. Take it as a short holiday from home."

    "That's no problem. I will love that too. I should go in now and do some packing and preparation, " James said and strutted back upstairs.

    The next day we were both ready to take off, we already had taken out our luggage to the sitting room when my aunt came in and told us that our breakfast was ready. We went to the dining room and met what I would call, a delicious send off meal.
    It was a meal of fried rice with vegetables in it and a big chicken of fried chicken with coleslaw on the side. It was on of my all-time favorite dishes. I got to work and started devouring the food. My cousin who was eating beside me gave a menacing giggle and warned me, " you are eating now and enjoying it, don't forget we are going to enter public transport."

    With how sweet the food was, it was like what he said entered my right ear and exited immediately from the left. It even reached a particular time when I thought to myself and was like, 'this guy won't you stop eating?' but still didn't stop. I made sure I cleared the food and only the bone that was too strong for me survived. I had to enjoy every bit of that meal cause why not?

    We said our goodbyes to my aunt and uncle and went on our way. When we got the motor park, we boarded a bus. We didn't stay too long at the park before the bus hot filled to capacity and our journey began.

    The journey was smooth and okay. Well, until I started to reap the reward of my ignorance. I felt my stomach rumble and I thought must have been the salad cream. My stomach always reacted to it but greediness hadn't let me desist from having it in my food. I tried to endure it but the turbulence and internal violence was more than I could handle. When it got to my limit, I told my cousin that I needed to use the restroom and he with me pleased with the driver to stop at a bank along the road, in order for me to use the restroom. Thank God a woman that worked in the bank was kind enough to show us the restroom. That day was really embarrassing and horrible for me. We stopped twice more before we got home and even ended up paying more transport fare than what was budgeted.

    After that day, if you brought all my favorite dishes before me I would not be moved as long as I was stepping out. The day was a disaster. Not again!

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