Setting up priorities for the properties in Portugal

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Since I came back from Portugal last weekend, I have been trying to organize the work I need to do there and approach the project in the most optimal way in terms of time. I have two properties, the farm and the stable in the village. I set my headquarters in the village during the two weeks I was there as the condition of the place was way better than the tiny house on the farm. Still, I plan to live on the farm during the summer and focus on the stable reconstruction to get the place done before the end of the summer.


    There are several elements you have to consider to have a "decent" living, water, electricity, a kitchen and a restroom are the ones I want to get solved as soon as possible to be able to focus on work. Luckily the weather will be way warmer in the summer and heat should not be a problem at all. I had to set up a gas stove and isolate the garage door during the last trip, as nights were quite chilly.

    Cooking is also solved as I will keep using my camping gas kitchen, and I can keep using the public fountain for water, although I plan to set up a pump in the farm to get the water from the well, it is way faster than filling those plastic bottles in the fountain.



    As it was cold, I had to warm the water in the stove for the manual pump shower system I was using. I am sure, the warmer summer temperatures plus the heat of the sun will give me a break, letting me shower outdoors on the farm with warm water heated by the sun.


    So the idea is to get installed on the farm in early June, work on an outhouse to have a more comfortable restroom than the portable Boxio toilet I have been using and set up an outdoor shower and will keep using my portable solar electricity system for living. I will make the minimum renovation to the tiny house to be able to set up the kitchen and a bedroom and leave the village stable empty to be able to work with no elements inside.


    The plan is to contact utilities in the stable and convert it into a small apartment to spend the time we come in the winter and also have it as a backup for friends and family when we have visits. For working purposes, this is what my office will look like during the summer. I may have to work on something to get some shade, or just translate my working desk under one of the big trees in the quinta :)


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