Alive & Thriving Saturday : May the Fourth Be with You (Life Updates) || AATYr5 || LarryIsAlive

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Happy Caturday 🐱🎉 Give my love to all your furbabies! 💞
    Yipee I'm on a brief day off 🙌 I do intend to enjoy my chill time. (Not that I do not enjoy it daily.) There's something to the feel of knowing I need not wake up early and rush my daily tasks for tomorrow.


    I live for the weekend. I just wish I have a longer one. 🙄 Lucky are those who do, so please enjoy it to the max. 😆 This is what I wish I'm doing on my day off...


    Perhaps one day I will get to enjoy more slow days... until then, no rest for the wicked 😝

    Alive&Thriving Saturday : Life Updates Weekly Recap

    We said good-bye to April and welcomed May within this week. It has been an emotional week for me. I'd find myself suddenly bursting in tears as I went about my days. Then, I'd be okay after a while. I'm not sure where it comes from but I'm thinking it's hormonal. 🤔 or perhaps cosmic? 😂 I acknowledge my feelings whenever it comes, so when I'm sad, I try and process where the feeling can be coming from. Sometimes, it helps. Other times, I need to write on my journal. I think I mentioned it previously that I do believe joy and sadness can co-exist. I'm grateful for all my blessings, but I do know I can be happier still, esp. when I find the means to choose my neighborhood and the people I will allow near me. 😂 In all honesty, I'm happier when it's just the cats and guinea pigs and me. 😉

    If I had more mobility, I'd love to do my own purchasing too. Then I could enjoy going out and exploring new cafes I will find near me. Alas, such is not the case, so I just need to do the best I can. I'm basically on survival mode. Guess that's my next chapter in this life.

    Local weather has yet to get cooler. I do monitor my weather app daily. It was cloudy for a bit earlier. I thought it would rain but it didn't. I do wonder when I'd feel and experience some rain again. 😔 These days I not only pray for the outdoor kitties daily, but also I added praying for rain too. 🙏❤️💡

    Onwards to my #LarryIsAlive quest...


    Let me recap my quest for today... (6/6)

    LN - daily and weekly goal got completed today 👏 I did have to wait a little while for that one mail to make it to 100% 😜

    CTPX - completed my daily run 🙌 first I learned I won once yesterday and I won again right after I finished my run 😁

    LL - daily surf and convert done 👍 I'm working towards getting to $6 now. Yay!

    TAB - daily login bonus and double credit surfing really brings in the punch 🙌 I'm glad to be getting more than usual points for my efforts

    FAFY - Today I decided to add to my activities 😉 I'm now 24% of my reward points goal for the month. I'll try to add now and then so I can reach the goal faster 🤣

    ITB - completed my five shares again today 🙌 I do wonder how BTC will perform in the long run? I've seen other stacking on gold and silver but that's not an option for me as we can't trust our local postal system. I'm afraid it might just get lost there somewhere. 🤔

    screenshots from my quest can be found below...




    >>> What's new? : Check out CTPX











    Infinity Traffic Boost


    I'm not really a Star Wars fan. I think I was too young when it came out and my folks were not really into it. I suspect my cousins would be more into it as they had all sorts of comics growing up. I'm a late fan of comic book movies but I only choose the ones that fascinate me. I miss the good ole days of being able to watch and just enjoy movies or tv shows. Nowadays there are lots of critics and folks just criticize so much about so many things. It takes the fun out of entertainment. 😂 Well, I believe in the simple. If I find the trailer fascinating, I will watch the movie. I prefer to decide for myself whether something is worth my time or not.


    Well, enjoy your May fourth. I will now try and enjoy the rest of my night. See you on my next post tomorrow. Nighty night from Manila. Ta-tah! 👋


    credits for the new signature : @stdd

    My books are now available:


    Never Bother


    Don't You Cry No More

    DYCNM Book cover design by @viking-ventures
    More credits: Commissioned Cover 1, part 3 - Viking Visual Art Tutorial
    NB Book cover design by @ilovewintergem

    I'm on HIVE 'coz of:

    My main affiliate program ===> ClickTrackProfit

    Documenting my life's journey:

    My main blog ===> Fresh Start

    Follow my channel on LBRY ===> @lifeingeneral

    BTC address: 1A6X3avHQ3FqPyxMBxdJnzHe7iBBvKugHB

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