Setting Goals & Resolution

in vkbt •  2 months ago

    Christmas has come and gone, including the new year, too. With lots of promises and goals that have been set that we know achieved at any point in time. The essence of Christmas is for us to usher in the birth of Christ and in Jesus Christ the one the Christian serve.

    And the essence of New Years for us to start a new calendar and new and afresh from January 1, then running down to December 31st. People will surely set goals and resolutions. But are there places where all these goals and resolution actually works if you’re not ready to be determined to?


    Make the growth and resolution work. What? Does it even stand them? How will any of these goals survive if there is nothing to show for them? If we can actually come up to it, A discipline mindset, maybe. That is When goals are good, solutions are going to work. If not, there will be no goal and there will be no resolution to even see through. Things, the earlier the better, will come to understand that goals and resolution comes from discipline.

    Is discipline that makes goes what it is. If not, they won’t be there. Much things to be called go and whenever you’re setting goals must be determined to see you through to the very end if not.


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