Installing Virtualmin on new servers...

in virtualmin •  last month

    I run a couple of webservers with Virtualmin and I am a big fan of the product. It works really well, it is free, and it makes it easy to run several websites on the same server, and it is easy to use. But, right now I am struggling because several of my sites have a crazy high CPU usage, and I am unable to find out exactly why it is happening. I am looking for information about whether there might be some sort of attack going on against the pages, but I cannot seem to find anything indicating that. So what is causing the slow pages then? Honestly, I don't really know, and the same pages have been running on the same servers for a long time without causing such problems... But, now it has suddenly started. That is kind of strange, isn't it?

    cpu overload.png

    SO I guess that means I just got a chance to develop my skills running webservers with Virtualmin on my Ubuntu servers... so after all, there is something good in it, even though I strongly dislike seeing my servers go offline due to CPU overload.

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