in vihaan •  3 months ago

    1 . Pranjal Bharat
    ->Full stack mobile developer.I have made various projects using Flutter and Android Native.
    Skills:Flutter,Figma,Firebase,Java,Android Native ,Git

    2.Shubham Puhal
    ->Full stack mobile developer.I have made projects using Flutter and Android native.
    Skills:Dart,MongoDB,Flutter,ExpressJS,NodeJS,Figma,Google Cloud,React

    3.Mehak Malik
    ->I am a Frontend Developer.

    4.Pranjal Sethi
    ->I am a Frontend Developer.
    Skills:HTML,CSS ,JS ,Figma

    A picture of us in "HIVE" :

    How we got to know about HIVE?
    We got to know about "HIVE" through the IEEE DTU Hackathon - VIHAAN 007. We were really impressed to know about Hive and the technology it uses.

    Working of Our Project:
    In an era marked by rapid urbanization, social health is declining as urban populations experience increasing levels of depression symptoms and loneliness. A significant factor contributing to this trend is the distance between individuals and their family and friends, often due to work or education commitments. As a result, social bonds are weakened, and the gap in communication with loved ones grows.

    Traditional communication methods often fall short in adequately conveying emotions and bridging the emotional gaps caused by physical distance. While words are powerful, they may not always suffice in expressing the depth of our feelings.

    Music, however, has a unique ability to transcend language barriers and connect people on an emotional level like few other mediums can. Yet, the distance between individuals often hinders shared listening experiences, limiting the potential for emotional connection.

    Impact of Tuned Heartz on Society:

    Mental Health , one the crucial concerns of recent times along with general wellbeing, which is what our App targets.
    Music has the power to change your mood altogether and that too when is with our closed ones just strengthens our bond...Not only this , the icing on the cake is when you realise that we can also play Fun Games like ludo ,skribble.snake and ladders with other people in heartz to engage with them more.

    This is why our project should win:

    Our app provides solutions to the 2 major concerns our society faces .
    Our app provides better collaboration , better engagement and better interaction.
    The UI of our app is very user friendly ,very easy to use, and once anyone starts using it you are sure to get hooked.
    In the future , we can scale our app thus providing sustainability.
    Our vision is very clear and for these reasons our project must be selected.

    Github link: https://github.com/YesShubham01/tunedheart

    Figma link: https://www.figma.com/file/pPdJgvw0x6mM6FygHddHi4/Tuned-Heartz?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=cZ4n2B9JoCoNEjdu-1

    Screen Recording Video showcasing the demo of our project:

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