Breaking Language Barriers: Categorizing Review into Positive and Negative

in vihaan •  3 months ago


    Greeting from team Private Client We are dynamic group comprising of Yuvraj Singh , Varun Sharma and Akshat Bharadwaj united by our passion for innovation and problem solving, with diverse background and expertise , we bring a lend of skills to tackle the challenge of the digital landscape.

    Our journey with hive:
    our journey with hive began during an exhilarating hackathon hosted at Delhi technological university (DTU) named Vihaan. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the event, we delved into the world of Hive, a powerful data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop, and were instantly captivated by its potential.

    The Challenge:
    In today's globalized digital landscape maintaining content accuracy and understanding customer sentiment are paramount for businesses. However, we encountered dual challenges: Unreliable translation services leading to innacuracies and existing grammar tools falling short. Additionally, accurately categorizing reviews as negative or positive seemed to be persistent hurdle.

    Our solution:
    Faced with these challenges, we embarked on a journey of innovation. Drawing inspiration from our learnings at the Vihaan hackathon, we explored cutting-edge techniques such as token based translation and advanced sentiment analysis. These approaches, tailored to specific needs, promise to revolutionise content accuracy and customer sentiment analysis.

    The Vision:
    Our vision is clear: To empower businesses with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of the digital world seamlessly. By harnessing the power of Hive and our innovative solutions, we aim to elevate the standards of credibility and professionalism across multilingual platforms and review systems.


    As we embark on this journey, we invite you to join us in our quest for excellence. Together let us redefine the landscape of content accuracy and customer sentiment analysis, one innovative solution at time.

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