कलाKARI : Decentralized Marketplace for Handcrafted Products (Vihaan by IEEE DTU) - Final Round

in vihaan •  3 months ago

    -Team Buucheeks
    Kalakari is an innovative e-commerce platform that harnesses the power of blockchain technology, specifically the Hive chain to promote handicrafts.

    About Kalakari:
    Kalakari isn't just another online marketplace—it's a vibrant community where artists and buyers come together to celebrate creativity. From handmade crafts to digital art, Kalakari offers a diverse range of products curated by talented creators worldwide. With a focus on empowering artists and fostering trust between buyers and sellers, Kalakari aims to redefine the e-commerce landscape together with the power of blockchain.

    Key Features:

    • Blockchain Integration: Kalakari leverages the Hive blockchain to ensure transparency, security, and immutability of data. Every transaction, from product listings to user interactions, is recorded on the blockchain, providing a tamper-proof ledger.
    • User Authentication: Users can securely sign up and log in using JWT tokens, enabling seamless access to the platform's features while maintaining data privacy and security.
    • Product Management: Sellers can easily manage their product listings through the admin dashboard, with each addition or removal triggering transactions on the Hive blockchain.
    • Decentralized Reviews: Kalakari is pioneering decentralized review systems, where feedback from buyers is recorded on the blockchain, fostering trust and transparency in the community.

    Screen Recording:

    Future Roadmap:

    • NFT Integration: Kalakari plans to introduce NFT (Non-Fungible Token) integration, allowing artists to tokenize their creations and sell them as digital assets.
    • Community Governance: Implementing DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) structures to empower the community in platform governance and decision-making.
    • Cross-Chain Compatibility: Exploring interoperability with other blockchain networks to expand the reach and capabilities of the platform.

    Kalakari represents the future of e-commerce—a decentralized, transparent, and community-driven marketplace powered by blockchain technology. Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to innovate, collaborate, and create a more inclusive and equitable online shopping experience.

    GitHub Repository:

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