Passkeys, new account sign up and a net DHF Proposal

in v4vapp-v2 •  3 months ago

    Support Proposal 303 on PeakD
    Vote for Brianoflondon's Witness KeyChain or HiveSigner

    This is a value for value post: see the explanation in the footer.

    The New DHF Proposal

    I'm sorry I'm late writing about this, been crazy busy here and you'll see that in the Passkey section I'll talk about below. Upfront I'll just say I'm hugely greatfull for the voting support I've had on Hive and for any in the future. It means a huge amount to me.

    Main VSC Post is here.

    Please support this now: Support Proposal 303 on PeakD, more links to other front ends at the end of the post.


    I've joined forced more formally with @vaultec and the magnificent team at because it's very clear that the future of @v4vapp is closely linked to VSC's Smart Contracts and especially wrapping of Bitcoin on Hive.

    I'm still funded for a couple more months on my own proposal at $75 per day, I've lost a few months out of that proposal when I was unfunded for various reasons. The new proposal has budgeted in $75 per day for me and the reasons are set out in the proposal document in the Working with V4V section.

    The short version is that I'm going to be re-writing the entire back end as an open source system which anyone can run. Right now most of my work is open and on github but the part which exchanges Hive for BTC is some of the first code I wrote and because it is does financially sensitive work I never felt comfortable giving it out.

    The website of is 100% open source from the first commit and so to is the API which powers that website.

    VSC Becomes the DEX

    Once VSC provides the currency exchange part, everything about my back end can become much simpler and can be re-written, that is going to be a substantial amount of work. I'm waiting for VSC's solution for trading HBD and Hive to BTC on Hive to be a bit further along before I can really start that.


    That DEX function being decentralised is all I need to make running a service like my bridge, open for anyone to do.


    In the meantime some of you might have noticed the Bitcoin Halving which took place in the last couple of days. That caused another insane spike in the costs of transactions on Bitcoin which has a knock on effect on Lightning. Running my node means I'm at constant risk of channels being "force closed" and when that happens, you can loose millions of sats in fees if it happens at a high fee moment.

    That is just one of the risks I run holding greater than 0.5 BTC in Lightning at all times to service @v4vapp today.



    And finally a new feature: Passkeys.

    Log in once with @keychain in the in app browser or HAS and then look for Manage / Add in the sidebar under Passkeys.

    Add iCloud, Google or physical passkey to your log in and you can then use that on any other device!

    This is part of me adding certain functionality like streaming sats payments in Podcasting 2.0 apps and Hive account to Hive account transfers of sats as sats. Strangely enough this is hard to do and involves back end work but it will be done soon.

    New Accounts for Lightning

    Right now I'm working on something I've wanted someone else to do for ages: easy sign up for Hive with a $3 payment in Lighting. Nobody did so I'm doing it. I'll sell accounts for $3 but I'll actually only take the 3 Hive and the rest will be deposited in the account as some Hive and HBD to get the user started. I'll also give out RC delegations.


    That's it

    Once again a huge thank you for all the support so far, a huge thank you for those of you using all over the world to actually buy things: I'm not in this for degen Defi. I want to see real people doing commerce outside the old banking system with true FREEDOM!

    Value for Value

    For the last few months while building @v4vapp I was generously supported by the DHF. Going forward I have a much more modest support which covers direct server costs and a little of my time.

    If you appreciate the work I do on and around Hive, you can express this directly: upvoting posts on Hive is great. Also consider a direct donation (there's a Tip button on Hive or a Lightning Address) on all my posts.


    Support Proposal 303 on PeakD
    Support Proposal 303 with Hivesigner
    Support Proposal 303 on Ecency
    Vote for Brianoflondon's Witness KeyChain or HiveSigner
    Support Proposal 265 on PeakD

    Send Lightning to Me!

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