Мurder and Destruction of Ukrainians, Even Their Children: This is What Russia Does in the 21st Century

in ua •  17 days ago

    Russian Propaganda and Justifying Aggression: Shifting Blame onto Ukrainians.
    One of the primary tools used by Russia to justify its military aggression against Ukraine is the systematic distortion of facts and deliberate manipulation of concepts. Russian media often labels Ukrainians as Nazis or fascists, even though these terms have no grounding in reality. This tactic allows Russians to create an imaginary enemy that justifies their barbaric actions.

    Calls to kill Ukrainians, including children, echo constantly in Russian media and social networks. These actions are nothing more than an attempt to shift responsibility for bloodshed onto the victim. For Russians, this becomes a form of psychological defense, allowing them to ignore the horrors of the war they have unleashed. This mental disinformation becomes a way to avoid feelings of guilt and responsibility for the deaths of thousands of Ukrainians.

    Russians have become a symbol of brutality in the 21st century. Their actions, including bombing peaceful cities and killing children, are condemned by the entire world. However, this condemnation does not stop Russian propaganda. Paradoxically, those who aggressively destroy an entire nation try to shield themselves with the ideas of antifascism.

    In the end, Russian society has become a hostage to its own propaganda narratives, which distance it from reality and distort its sense of justice. This not only justifies cruelty but also creates new generations of people who believe in the lies that sustain their system.

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