TUTORIAL: How to subscribe and belong to the arcane and hermetic lodge of Appreciator's Brotherhood?

in tutorial •  3 months ago


    Yeah, arcane lodges, secret societies, hermetic brotherhoods and an endless number of hidden and clandestine esoteric groups that emerged over the years to which only a privileged few could belong. I don't know if you've heard about this subject before. Or if you have ever heard anything about the sects, cults and hermetic schools of the antiquity like: The Sphinx Brotherhood, The Order of The Knights Templars, The Freemasons and The Rosicrucians. Just to mention a few of the best known. Well, all well known except, maybe, ¡The Sphinx Brotherhood!

    Because we the enlightened members who belong to this ancient initiatory school of the Sphinx Brotherhood which was presumably founded at least in the year 10,000 BC. haven't been many, you know?

    Legendary and very ancient hermetic school only for initiated of which it is said that some well-known important figures throughout the history and other figures somewhat less known. They all spent a good time training and educating themselves with the arcane knowledge imparted there emerging later from the underground catacombs and secret passages inside the bowels of the mysterious and enigmatic Great Sphinx of Egypt.

    Among these well-known characters from ancient times we could perhaps mention Samyaza, Imhotep, Hermes Trismegistus, Moses, Zoroaster, Krishna, Siddhartha Gautama the Buddha, Vardhamāna Mahavira, Kǒng Qiū, Lao-Tse, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Bodhidharma, Merlin Myrddin, Michel Nostradame and Pete Marsh. Just to mention some of those initiated who crossed through these erudite catacombs, passages and corridors of enlightenment, torch in hand. As illustrated in this figure below:

    «Hyrim E’baph - Nefer’Ratem»

    But well, like I better stop this archaic issue here. Because I suspect I am deviating a lot from what I really wanted to talk to you about today. Excuse me, but it's that I get too excited sometimes.

    Alright, you clicked on the title of this post. Because what you really wanted to know is how the heck to subscribe and belong to the very exclusive fraternity and elitist hermetic lodge of the Appreciator's Brotherhood in the Hive blockchain. Didn't you?

    That old and very well known hermetic, arcane, legendary and very mysterious iniciatic school that teaches you how to get double-digit upvotes constantly no matter what the heck you publish in this "social network" on the blockchain. Right?

    Okay, well, then you have come to the right place to know all the secrets, requirements, parameters, rules, characteristics, qualities and concepts of what you need to know and be willing to go through, in order to have a chance, just a chance, to subscribe and eventually be accepted to belong to such a prestigious and exclusive meritocratic brotherhood of well-rewarded acolytes. Now just pay close attention please!

    1. First of all, you have to prove that you have previously belonged to another lodge. Any lodge, sect or cult. It doesn't matter if it was too unknown, small or insignificant. But one in which you have stood out for being a docile and obedient disciple all the time who always follows what s/he is told to the letter.

    2. You have to demonstrate that you have already exercised and strengthened your long tongue with diligence and devotion for all the cleaning tasks that are going to be entrusted to you. Tasks such as frequent boots polishing and leaving the most recondite, intimate and hidden physical corners of your teachers, mentors and tutors impeccably clean and radiant at all times. Regardless of the change in nose color that this always causes.

    3. Due to this previous linguistic exercise. You must also demonstrate a greater strengthening of your tongue, by always writing your content and creating your vlogs to be evaluated, voted and rewarded absolutely and unfailingly in two different languages. Preferably and almost obligatorily, in English and Spanish or Spanish and English. In both. No matter the order. But any other language apart from these two that are mentioned. We reserve the right and it is at our absolute discretion to accept new "bilingual" members to our selective lodge.

    4. And the crucial, most important thing and above all. It's that you have to be Hispanic. Preferably Venezuelan. Yeah, more than all Venezuelans. Since the flattering "breath" of these docile acolytes who currently are the most abundant in our lodge, they also seems to attract the upvotes of the bishops and members of other opulent lodges of tri-speakers to make us earn many more "curation" rewards.

    Well, I don't know if I left something in the inkwell or if with just these four bullet points of the tutorial I have fallen short on revealing all the secrets that you would like to have found to become a proud member of this ancestral lodge that increases your Rep & HP so quickly.

    But hey, remember that this is just a simple, quick and humble tutorial and not an entire treatise on the subject. The first tutorial on this subject that you will find in the chain. So, if you did not find in this first informative broadcast everything you wanted to opt to subscribe and immediately become a member of this arcane sect of legendary viper-tongued flounders polishers of footwear. Well, then you just have to ask. Because I suppose that for that precisely is that the comments section is below. Isn't it?

    Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


    "Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

    Cranky Gandalf


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