No Jew should EVER vote for Harris, or any democrat for that matter (NOR SHOULD ANYONE WHO IS NOT AN ANTISEMITE).
Harris is clearly no friend of Israel and no friend of the Jews. She clearly believes, like the rest of the racist antisemites, that Jews do not have a right to defend themselves, and instead she literally sides with terrorists.
By her own words and actions, Harris has proven definitively that she is no friend of the Jews, and is in fact a true antisemite. This is further proven by her choice of running mate – Walz has hosted (on many occasions) and has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to a Muslim cleric who not only literally celebrated the October 7th attack on Israel by the palestinians, but also continually publicly praises Hitler.
This also tells you everything you need to know about Harris - not only that she is more than happy to have a literal nazi as her running mate (which obviously makes her a nazi as well), but despite the fact that everyone - including the dems - thought that Shapiro was the much smarter choice for her running mate, as not only is Shapiro from Pennsylvania – possibly the most important swing state needed to win the election – but he would have also attracted far more "middle of the road" voters as opposed to Walz - and his super liberal past and agenda - who is only attracting those voters she would get anyway (i.e. pro-Hamas antisemites), she is willing to put her own campaign in jeopardy rather than work with a Jew.
Imagine a president who stands for and possesses such hatred, racism and antisemitism - and how that would even further empower the already rampant antisemitism ushered in by she and her democrat comrades.
The dems & the liberals have truly become the party of the hatred of Jews, the largest hate group in the country and the literal nazis of the 21st century. Not just their overt embracing of Farrakhan-as they all embrace a great many others who literally call for the murder of Jews. Pelosi even had an imam lead a prayer over Congress who called for the destruction of all Jews. That's Pelosi-not the 4 "freshman". Then you have Tlaib who (NOW ALONG WITH THE REST OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY) is literally affiliated with Hamas - a known terrorist organization dedicated to killing Jews & has done so on many occasions-blowing up busloads of Israeli children. Their STATED mission is literally to "drive all the Jews into the sea". You have Omar whose anti-semitism can't be refuted as she's been as obvious as possible with respect to her hatred of Jews–& has even been called out by the most liberal of Jews. Warren announced her alliance with anti-Jewish & anti-Israel groups. And Biden, Pelosi, Sanders, Harris, Booker, AOC & the rest of them all defend all of these dangerous & anti-semitic words & actions. Every one of them wants us dead. Hate crimes committed against Black people, Latinos, other people of color, Muslims & LGBTQ have dropped precipitously over the past 2 years, while hate crimes against Jews have increased by 1750% IN THE PAST YEAR ALONE. Apparently to democrats, Jewish lives don’t matter. A vote for a democrat is literally a vote for the death of every Jew. #NeverAgain