in tribes •  5 months ago

    Today, we had 4 participants :

    In order :







    Thank you to @ecency for accepting the BOOST on this publication ( again )


    Thank you to the participant , the curators , and all those who have generously helped us .

    To win, all you need to do is leave a comment . No need to vote on this post (although appreciated) No need for ! TIPS (although appreciated)

    And you will win ! TIPS on your comment . We give away !ALIVE !LOLZ !PGM !COFFEE .


    The first 3 to commenta !COFFEE 0.05 COFFEE
    The first 10 to commenta !LOLZ
    The first 25 to commenta !PGM
    The first 25 to commenta !ALIVE

    If there aren’t enough candidates , you will win everything , if there are too many participants the winnings will be distributed in the order indicated above .

    You might even receive mini curation tokens from our partner ( if their voting mana allows it )

    For today , unfortunately , there will only be TIPS .

    Please let us know if you receive the TIPS well , sometimes we doubt it , like for example the COFFEE nothing indicates to us if it worked or not . Not working at the moment, as hivesql is a bit down right now , we don’t really know if we had any TIPS left , just in case we will redo them later .

    Thank you for participating and we’ll see you next time .

    Leave us your best or worst comments to win, you can say whatever you want to win , but stay courteous , we’re not going to congratulate insults either LOL.

    In the coming months, new tips to win could make their appearance, we will keep you informed if this happens .

    With all this, we wish you a good weekend and stay !ALIVE , see you next time Hivers .

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