in tribes •  15 hours ago

    Dear BEE token delegators,

    Today, as a token of our gratitude, we will be giving you some CENT / NEOXAG.

    NamesValuePourcentage (%)
    @florenceboens40,000,95 %
    @cookaiss30,000,71 %
    @elikast36,000,86 %
    @emaxisonline90,502,15 %
    @manuvert110,002,62 %
    @bambukah100,002,38 %
    @clavdio7565,881,57 %
    @isiksenpalvoja15,000,36 %
    @synergized49,201,17 %
    @luislrt617,8814,70 %
    @cantfoldaces70,001,67 %
    @myrolite48,051,14 %
    @albator8517,720,42 %
    @alenox15,000,36 %
    @yann097511,010,26 %
    @cleanplanet1,280,03 %
    @c3r34lk1ll3r2,780,07 %
    @faustine.books25,000,60 %
    @rocinanteprimo0,720,02 %
    @satoshinakam0to1,000,02 %
    @no-advice456,5310,87 %
    @treefrognada7,490,18 %
    @justclickindiva2,000,05 %
    @phanty33,450,80 %
    @successchar100,002,38 %
    @duke7716,550,39 %
    @freebornsociety2 200,0052,38 %
    @master-lamps38,000,90 %


    NamesPourcentage (%)CENT
    florenceboens0,95 %2,84
    cookaiss0,71 %2,13
    elikast0,86 %2,57
    emaxisonline2,15 %6,45
    manuvert2,62 %7,86
    bambukah2,38 %7,14
    clavdio751,57 %4,71
    isiksenpalvoja0,36 %1,08
    synergized1,17 %3,51
    luislrt14,70 %44,10
    cantfoldaces1,67 %5,01
    myrolite1,14 %3,42
    albator850,42 %1,26
    alenox0,36 %1,08
    yann09750,26 %0,78
    cleanplanet0,03 %0,09
    c3r34lk1ll3r0,07 %0,21
    faustine.books0,60 %1,80
    rocinanteprimo0,02 %0,06
    satoshinakam0to0,02 %0,06
    no-advice10,87 %32,61
    treefrognada0,18 %0,54
    justclickindiva0,05 %0,15
    phanty0,80 %2,40
    successchar2,38 %7,14
    duke770,39 %1,17
    freebornsociety52,38 %157,14
    master-lamps0,90 %2,70


    NamesPourcentage (%)NEOXAG
    florenceboens0,95 %4,75
    cookaiss0,71 %3,55
    elikast0,86 %4,30
    emaxisonline2,15 %10,75
    manuvert2,62 %13,10
    bambukah2,38 %11,90
    clavdio751,57 %7,85
    isiksenpalvoja0,36 %1,80
    synergized1,17 %5,85
    luislrt14,70 %73,50
    cantfoldaces1,67 %8,35
    myrolite1,14 %5,70
    albator850,42 %2,10
    alenox0,36 %1,80
    yann09750,26 %1,30
    cleanplanet0,03 %0,15
    c3r34lk1ll3r0,07 %0,35
    faustine.books0,60 %3,00
    rocinanteprimo0,02 %0,10
    satoshinakam0to0,02 %0,10
    no-advice10,87 %54,35
    treefrognada0,18 %0,90
    justclickindiva0,05 %0,25
    phanty0,80 %4,00
    successchar2,38 %11,90
    duke770,39 %1,95
    freebornsociety52,38 %261,90
    master-lamps0,90 %4,50
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