Namtok Chet Sao Noi National Park, a beautiful waterfall in Saraburi province, Thailand - Part I

in travel •  5 months ago

    May I invite you to visit Namtok Chet Sao Noi National Park which is situated in Muak Lek District, Saraburi province, Thailand. It’s very close to Bangkok, approx. 200 km. Just driving for a few hours, you can relax among the wonderful nature and let the water heal your body.

    Namtok Chet Sao Noi National Park is one of beautiful tourist attractions.

    Namtok means waterfall

    Chet means seven

    Sao Noi means young lady or little girl

    The name of this waterfall came from the name of the nearby village and it’s because the waterfall has 7 levels.

    The white letters on the bridge that you see in the far distance is the name of this waterfall in the Thai language.

    The water of the pool at each level is clean and crystal clear. It is shallow at many spots, so it’s great for swimming and playing in the water.

    The popular levels are the 1st - 4th level.

    The 3rd level has a rather deep pool, you must be careful while playing in the water.

    The 4th level is the most beautiful level.

    The 6th - 7th level are quiet levels, there are few tourists because the current is quite strong, so it's not suitable for swimming.

    Unfortunately, I visited only the 1st level....due to the very short time....

    Nevertheless, I took many photos while walking around at 1st level.

    May I split them into several posts. Please stay tuned.

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