Walking around Amsterdam...

in travel •  2 months ago

    I just returned from a day in which I was walking up and down the streets of Amsterdam, visiting some museums, eating some food, learning about new things, and simply having a good time. Well, here you have a photo I made not long ago in which you can see the traditional houses of Amsterdam along the canals of the city. This is really what many people associate with Amsterdam, and that is truly a correct picture, because this is what you will frequently see as you walk up and down the streets of the city.

    amsterdam by night.jpg

    Of course, there are many other things you can see and experience as well, and one thing I definitely realized today, is that there are so many professions in the city, meaning that there are also so many museums dealing with all sorts of topics. For example, I visited a diamond museum today, which really wasn't a museum, but more of a place where they share short stories about how they find the diamonds, and then the gigantic work of cleaning it, turning it into smaller parts, making sure it has a shape that will make it shine in as many directions as possible, and then polishing it for a very long time in order for the product to shine and attract buyers. So this also gave me a chance to see diamonds used for rings that had a sale price of more than €150,000.


    Luckily I have this Amsterdam Card that is expensive in itself, but once you have it, you can enter lots of museums and activities for free and it gives great value for your money, and even more so if you buy it for several days. So tomorrow I will explore even more and maybe share some more photos from what I see and experience.

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