In your therapy, what are your feelings, after a breakthrough? Past the exhilaration, maybe some disappointment, exhaustion, a sense of pride or something else?

in therapy •  4 months ago

    That is an excellent question.

    I do try to celebrate the breakthrough in some way, or at least savor it.

    Then, it’s a sense of moving on to the next thing to work on.

    When there have been several breakthroughs and I’m feeling like I’ve changed a lot, there’s this interesting period of feeling a bit disoriented and then going through my values and what’s important to me and looking at them again through the new lens brought on by the recent changes. It’s not like I inventory everything, but for sure the things that feel relevant. Do I still feel the same way about x, y, or z in light of these recent developments? I guess it’s my way of more deeply integrating the changes.

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