In therapy, is there a particular topic, you absolutely won’t discuss? Possibly, your therapist, sensing something, eluding to an additional area, of concern.. still, the decision, no.. for now, an impossibility.. has this happened, for you?

in therapy •  3 months ago

    There isn’t anything I refuse to discuss in therapy, like nothing in particular that I’m avoiding but feel I should be facing.

    That said, there are some topics that I think would just be super awkward to talk about with M. Those are nitty gritty body image stuff and marital intimacy. It’s not that I wouldn’t talk about those things. I just think it would be really awkward and embarrassing.

    I also don’t feel a huge need to delve into those topics, and I think that’s where part of the awkwardness comes from. I can easily talk about marital intimacy stuff with my husband, so not much need to involve a third party. And… I don’t really give how I look much thought other than I generally like what I see in the mirror and feel comfortable with the body I have. So again, I think talking about it with M would be awkward because there isn’t the need to talk about it. But if I ever had an actual need to address these issues in therapy, then I would bring them up and go there with M.

    One thing I have really appreciated about M is that he has never commented on my physical appearance. He won’t even say anything if I got a haircut. If I say something about it, he’ll engage, but he won’t bring it up. I’ve really appreciated that because I felt that growing up way too much was made of my physical appearance, how I looked, how I dressed, that I was beautiful enough to be a model (and why didn’t I want to go to modeling school anyway?). So I really love having relationships with people where other than an occasional “You look nice today!” there’s no discussion about how we should all look our best to make a good impression, and do I meet expectations in that department, etc. And I love having that be completely absent in my relationship with M. So weird how great healing can come through what’s never brought up.

    And… maybe I should talk to M about that last paragraph, at least let him know I appreciate him so much in that regard.

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