It Was No Surprise That "Daniel" Was Amazing

in theater •  3 months ago

    My favorite place to see Bible stories come to life is without-a-doubt the Sight & Sound Theatre, located at 300 Hartman Bridge Road in Ronks, Pennsylvania. Because photos aren't allowed during the performance, I used one of their promotional photos of the show. I have never been disappointed by a production at this theater and that definitely includes this one. "Daniel" is my better half's favorite story from the Bible. Also when visiting this theater, it is almost impossible not purchasing the glazed almonds as the aroma just draws you in.

    Taken from his home and given a new name, along with a few of his friends, it would appear that the king has great things planned for this man. This became especially true when it was learned that he could interpret the meaning of dreams. Being that these stories are straight from the Bible, it would be hard to unleash a spoiler. However, for those that don't know the story, it would be nice for them to find the plot twists at the show.

    My favorite parts of the show was when Jesus appeared. The first time was when the burning of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego failed when Jesus protected them in the furnace. The second time was when Jesus made the lions lay down when they should have attacked Daniel. Trust me when I say that the lions looked real and appeared as if they were on the stage. This effect worked because of the fact that live animals are known to appear in their productions, but none as vicious as a lion.

    There was a point in this performance where a pig stole the show. It was when the livestock got spooked and ran down the ramp off the stage. This cute pig came out from the side of the stage a few seconds after the other animals and waddled away towards the rear of the theater. He got a nice laugh. Even pigs are entitled to their fifteen minutes of fame.

    The lightning effect was also very realistic as it cracked against the rocks. The original songs used for these shows never fail to amaze me. Another plus was the use of the two side stages, which allow the action to extend that much further. If you have never seen a production at this theater yet, my only question to you is what are you waiting for? These are Broadway-like and then some productions! The staff even positions themselves in front of the stage after the performance for those in need of prayer. I have never left this place without a feeling of positivity!

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