Number 5

in test •  15 days ago

    (html comment removed: Using the setTimeout function with obfuscation )

    (html comment removed: Exploiting CSS escape sequences with URL encoding )

    (html comment removed: Using JavaScript inside an SVG attribute )

    (html comment removed: Injecting into HTML entity contexts )

    (html comment removed: Using JavaScript in an iframe onload event )

    (Unsupported undefined)

    (html comment removed: Dynamically setting innerHTML )

    (html comment removed: Using Math.random for obfuscation )

    (html comment removed: Using location.hash to inject script )
    <a href="#' onclick='alert(location.hash)'>Click me


    (html comment removed: Using base tag to redirect to JavaScript )

    (html comment removed: Using an anchor tag with hash fragment )
    Click me

    (html comment removed: Using an object tag with a data URI )

    (html comment removed: Using a JavaScript URL in an input field )

    (html comment removed: Using CSS expressions (in older browsers) )


    (html comment removed: Using an HTML event handler in an anchor tag )
    Click me

    (html comment removed: Using obfuscation with a script tag )

    (html comment removed: Using JavaScript inside a button tag )

    Click me

    (html comment removed: Using the srcdoc attribute of an iframe )

    (Unsupported undefined)


    (html comment removed: Using innerHTML with template literals )

    (html comment removed: Using an SVG animation element )

    (html comment removed: Using the form action attribute with JavaScript )

    (html comment removed: Using an HTML comment to break out of an attribute )
    <img src="x" (html comment removed: onerror="alert('XSS')" )>>

    (html comment removed: Using a meta tag with a refresh attribute )

    (html comment removed: Using a link tag with an import attribute )

    (html comment removed: Using the data attribute with a dataset )

    Click me

    (html comment removed: Using an inline SVG with an onload event )

    (html comment removed: Using a script tag with document.write )

    (html comment removed: Using an object tag with Flash (legacy) )

    (html comment removed: Using CSS escape sequences )

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