Crazy week. Spring equinox. Lunar eclipse. Venus in Pisces sextile the Sun and Pluto. Phew!! Go for it!!💪💪💪 The Knight of Wands - 18/03/24

in tarot •  4 months ago


    When you already know that life is movement and that only the present exists, and that the only driving force and meaning of everything is love, the equation comes out on its own: your only task is to take care of each moment with all the love in your heart, regardless of the hurricane contexts that you have to go through. You love what you see; You can only love what you pay attention to, and the luminous nature of these times is that they reach the present moment, no more, so that is what you have to pay attention to and the rest arrive in addition. It does not matter the deserts you have traveled, the injustices you have been subjected to, nor the great undertakings you propose in the future; The task is to exclusively pay loving attention to this moment, knowing that all the alchemy available is there. Happy and loving day moment by moment.

    The Knight of Wands means renewed energies. A new and unexpected path may open up and the card suggests that you may want to dive headfirst into it. This card brings impulsiveness and courage to enter the unknown. It indicates that you may not yet have any idea what you will find, but that you are willing to pay to see it.

    The gentleman is constantly moving and fast, so he does not miss opportunities. With so much willingness to take risks, it is advisable to act with caution, since some situations can be unpredictable, both on the positive and negative sides.

    The Knight of Wands symbolizes the energy to pursue goals. In the letter, we see a young man riding his horse. He is dressed as a knight and his tunic has colors that refer to the element of fire. They are warm colors, of action and movement. He holds a wooden staff and fearlessly sets out on a mission, without stopping to reflect on what will happen, simply diving headlong into the situation.


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