Moon in Sagittarius. Nothing will be as authentic as what you do with your heart. This is what the stars require of you to usher in everything new that has been created in April. The 7 of Wands - 27/04/24

in tarot •  2 months ago

    sete-de-paus (1).jpg

    Saturn Day. Structures Day. Lilith in Virgo trines the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus which, together with the Moon in Sagittarius, invites us to break our limits, leave the known and let old structures and patterns fall. Free yourself from your repressions to see what Lilith has hidden for us. . Open yourself to other perspectives to let yourself be understood from other points of view. Sun, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus together gives us the opportunity to take care of ourselves, touch ourselves and feel ourselves from the heart. Pamper yourself! Love you! Respect yourself! Only from there will you have the necessary access to the Everything that is waiting for us here on the other side of the portal. Today's letter brings us that internal dialogue with our own obstacles to try to let them fall and be fully. Today's tests will be tomorrow's resources. Live the day and let yourself enjoy what you have already achieved to be greater tomorrow. Great weekend from the tranquility and love that Taurus and Sagittarius bring us. Enjoy!!

    The 7 of Wands suggests that you will or may be tested. Your integrity is tested and if you stay true to your beliefs, you can achieve something you have been seeking for a long time. The road is never easy and you certainly had to fight hard to get to this point, but if you maintained your ethics and morals, you can expect your reward. It suggests that it is time to win a battle.

    The 7 of Wands symbolizes victory over challenges. After a possible trial period on an issue, if integrity and values are maintained, it suggests that victory will eventually come.

    In the card we see a man on a hill. He has already stuck 7 canes into the ground, a symbol of his hard work and achievements so far. However, there is still one more, that is, there is still one challenge to overcome. You can see the determination on his face, as well as the feeling of triumph, as he is about to place the last staff on the ground. His feet apart show that he is firm, and that he puts all his effort into that last, decisive movement.

    Another reading of the symbolism may be that the man has reached the top and is now fighting various people or situations that want to take away his success. He appears to be in a defensive position, fiercely retaliating against those who attack him and defending his position.


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