Balsamic Moon in Pisces preparing for the eclipse. Take care of yourself. Love yourself. Pamper yourself. Rest. The 3 of Wands - 05/04/24

in tarot •  3 months ago


    The radical confidence in life that this moment brings does not come from an ideology or a willful attitude, it is a certainty anchored in realities that pass through the senses and self-perception. The irreducible beauty of the surrounding nature; The infinitely exquisite precision of your bodily resources coordinating unspeakable functions in perfect consequence with health, and the natural impulse to love and joy as keys to the meaning of everything are more than enough realities to give you the conditions for this prodigy. Life embraces you and celebrates you, and seeks your communion and your celebration in the ritual of each moment. Each of your cells sizzles in sacred health - bodily challenges are also indicators of the proper functioning of your sensors, purging toxins and seeking the best rebalance. May it be a day and weekend of direct connection with the overwhelming abundance of living life.

    The 3 of Wands suggests that you must take an initiative. Sometimes we get stuck in some situation or decision, but the indication here is that you should take a risk and take the first step.

    This minor arcana indicates success, but to achieve it it is necessary to act. Courage is a word you should keep in mind. There is an energetic correspondence that suggests a change and you must take the risk to turn your dreams into reality. The letter also talks about keeping promises, both those he has made and those made to him.

    In consultations about love, the 3 of Wands sometimes appears when the relationship goes through a conflictive period or due to various issues that involve the scope of the relationships. If that is the case, it indicates that it is a good time to talk and try to understand each other.

    The 3 of Wands symbolizes opportunities for expansion. It is an optimistic card, which suggests that you take risks, dare, in short, to take a leap towards your desires. It indicates that you must take an important step and be prepared to take advantage of opportunities that arise.

    In the letter, we see a man standing on a hill looking intently at the horizon, as if he can see what the future holds. It is surrounded by three wooden staffs, which symbolize growth and achievement, as well as commitment to your plans. It is a letter full of energy and that refers to success.


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