All direct planets and Uranus pressing. Tomorrow Dark Moon. Flowing, feeling, loving.The King of Cups - 09/02/24

in tarot •  5 months ago


    The Great Power that Heaven enables for you and for your entire existence rests in the complete wisdom of your heart, the incontestable seat of your Being. The authority that assists you helps you definitively assume that all is well in your kingdom when the hearts They are healthy, but also to realize that these healings can only happen from the inside out in each person. It is up to you, therefore, to go to the impeccable calm of your heart, the more so the greater the external attack, at first, and for the occasion to lead yourself from there without entering the rag of entanglements and dirt that correspond to other people's processes. The King of Cups helps you understand that you can never allow yourself to be contaminated in the name of love, and to know that you can pour out your wisdom, from the depths of your heart, for those who serve their healing, but with the height of not compromising your impeccability or the direction of your intention toward the greatest good. May it be a beautiful day and weekend, resting more and more in the Love Wisdom that completely immunizes you from the effect of any misunderstanding/devil that others are dealing with.

    The King of Cups suggests total control over emotions and a balance that allows you to see any situation clearly, enabling you to make the right decisions. The message that the letter brings is positive and suggests a moment of understanding, whether favoring your relationships, whether with your friends, family, with your love or linked to the issue in mind.

    If a problem or conflict arises or is occurring, it indicates the calmness and wisdom necessary to resolve it at this time. If someone needs your advice, you'll probably know what to say. Or, if you are the one who needs help, the card indicates that someone with a big heart can help you or intervene in the situation.

    The King of Cups symbolizes control and wisdom. The card almost represents a fatherly and loving figure. The energy of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces may be connected in some way to the moment. Be that as it may, a feeling of protection and affection is at stake.

    In the letter, we see a King sitting on his throne in the middle of the sea. The water is rough, but he remains calm. The fish on your necklace indicates compassion, creativity and spirituality, representing the balance between the conscious and the unconscious. Behind him, fish jump in the ocean, while a boat sails steadily. Symbols that the unconscious has been released and recognized by the King, remaining under his power and control. The King does not repress his unconscious emotions and impulses, since he has learned to accept them and face them in a mature and balanced way.


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