You are beginning the most important stage of your life. Today is the Moment you were looking forward to. Stop denying yourself. The 9 of Cups and The Judgment - 01/01/25

in tarot •  2 months ago


    New Year. New evolution. The year begins with the entry of the Moon into Aquarius, conjunction with Pluto in opposition to retro Mars in Leo. This team will show us the friction between authority and will, teaching us that everything in the end is governed by our internal power. You yourself create your reality. Stop doubting yourself. Retro Jupiter in Gemini still opposes Mercury in Sagittarius. The introspective expansion of Jupiter retro collides with our way of communicating and relating, which will continue to make us feel that there are situations in our lives that are not flowing as they should for a few more days. Give yourself time. One thing at a time is enough. Venus in turn travels through the last degrees of Aquarius on the way to Pisces, squaring Uranus in Taurus. Our relationships, values and desires are in full ferment, asking us to leave old beliefs behind and build authentic connections with the people we love. We end the year with the New Moon in Capricorn, which still feels powerful, giving us the opportunity to look back with gratitude and forward with hope. Today we get the 9 of Cups and The Judgment. The first tells us that our problems are ending and announces achievements and victories. It suggests to us that our heart desires will be fulfilled as a reward for our efforts. Clarity comes to you through your heart. Stop looking away and start listening to yourself. The Judgment, for its part, has the energies of Pluto and tells us that a new cycle begins.Your efforts are seen and rewards are offered based on it. With the conjunction with the Moon, it accentuates your emotions and encourages you to reflect, gaining awareness. Clarity and tranquility will be present in your life today. Be kind to yourself. Have a great start to the year and cycle.


    The 9 of Cups indicates achievements. It is a positive card, since it warns us that our problems and sadness do not matter, and satisfaction is yet to come. This card carries joy and indicates that there is little time left to fully achieve it. It suggests that your wishes will be fulfilled as a reward for your efforts.

    The 9 of Cups symbolizes our conquered desires, the victory over the efforts made. However, the card also warns you to be careful what you wish for, as it is not always what is best for you.

    In the card, we see a man sitting comfortably and surrounded by the golden aura of nine cups. He smiles, as if he has achieved his greatest desires. The card precisely represents fulfilled wishes and also feelings. When this card appears in your query, always make a wish. If your intentions are pure and true, there are great chances that it will come true.


    When the card The Judgment appears in a reading, it means that a new cycle begins. Your entire performance or the details of the matter will be evaluated and rewards will emerge. This Major Arcana indicates that it is time to reflect on the situation or your life at this moment to gain more awareness and grow.

    You will have a clearer mind and get the answers you need. It is a card of rebirth and often indicates that a tired situation will receive a shot of encouragement. That is, the Judgment has arrived and you must reflect on your life, on what you need to change to be successful in a situation that needs to change. Sometimes change is slow; but, with patience, a new beginning is announced.

    It suggests forgiving, asking for forgiveness, leaving behind any baggage that is still heavy. It indicates that a new cycle will begin after all. Thus, the Judgment symbolizes above all a new beginning, which will depend on everything you have sown.

    Judgment is Tarot card number 20 and is associated with Pluto, the planet of the underworld and deep transformations. It symbolizes the end of a cycle and its evaluation, it is the judgment that we must make of our life or some situation. This Major Arcana has strong karmic connections and suggests doing a self-examination of conscience, evaluating everything that has happened so far and resolving pending issues. The symbolism is that of the final judgment itself, or the day of judgment. It suggests that a cycle comes to an end and a new beginning appears.

    In the card, we see several naked people rising from their graves. The archangel Gabriel blows his trumpet calling everyone to be judged by the Universe. The waves and mountains in the background represent insurmountable obstacles, meaning it is impossible to escape judgment. The river that began with the Empress and flowed through all the Major Arcana finally flows into the ocean.


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