Change is coming and you can already feel it. Tomorrow we start the astrological year and enter Aries. Preparing rituals to make this period a smooth and consistent transformation in demand. The Page of Wands - 19/03/24

in tarot •  4 months ago

    valete-de-paus (1).jpg

    If you agree that to learn to do what is difficult it is best to first start with what is easy, or that to go further, you have to go through something immediate, it is time to extend these certainties to other levels of being. Regardless of your understanding, capacity for discernment, and spiritual commitment, everything that gives you health and joy in this life necessarily starts from your sensation in the present, and your willingness to explore joy and well-being. Suddenly accepting that the path starts from there and that the impulse and energy is there, for the journey that your evolutionary pattern wants is to accept walking as if it were for the first time, because you are entering a reality of completely new textures and reliefs. . Therefore, it is time to make room, with innocence and humility, for the stumbles, and for feeling clumsy; with the awareness of embracing and embracing the learning of this time, which is new, increasingly true and more coherent with life. May it be a beautiful day to accept your feelings - not so much your ideas and conclusions - as an irreplaceable reference to recognize the progress available, and the true inclinations of your being towards your own expansion.

    The Page of Wands usually means receiving good news. It is a card that carries a lot of positive energy, so it suggests that you may feel renewed in the situation at hand. The card suggests the availability of the fuel necessary for new beginnings and accomplishments. The Page of Wands is basically about something new and exciting that is appearing.

    The Page of Wands symbolizes good news or ideas, as well as the energy to put them into practice. The card can also represent someone young in your life, who can bring news or serve as a catalyst for ideas in the present situation.

    In the card, you can see a young person, dressed in colors that refer to the element of fire, so it is a card that suggests action and provides the energy necessary to carry it out, with drive and creativity.

    The person in the card is in the middle of a desert, but looks up, towards the divine, dreams and ideas. In other words, the creative energy of the Page of Wands is still pure potential, something that must be developed.


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