Sunset in the south -EN-ES- Atardecer en el sur

in sunset •  3 months ago

    ¡Hello Hive community!

    I had to leave in a hurry for the south because we had two casualties in an event we had and the truth is a very important client for whom we had the event. So I talked to my partner and we decided right then and there that we had to cover everything, so I left early Saturday morning for the airport.

    I arrived in the south and went straight to see the event manager and the chef. They are a couple and they were destroyed in the hotel by dengue fever. They had been a week ago at an outdoor venue and believe they had contracted the disease there.

    Once I confirmed that medically they were under control and well, then I went to the event to see how everything was being organized. I arrived and to my peace of mind and joy I realized that everything was very well organized and under control.

    I talked to the heads of the event, people we trust a lot and with whom we worked recently and I asked them to have a coffee. We went to the back of the venue, which had a cafe, this space to be outdoors, an incredible place where we were doing the event. So, we sat down and the first thing I did was to thank them and tell them how confident I felt when I went and saw that they were driving and everyone was on the line working. They are just two kids just starting out and they are incredibly crack working.

    So at that coffee I asked them to walk through the event and pay attention if they would like to take on that role. And that I wasn't going to be at the event, I was just going to keep my phone on for whatever they needed. I was only going to go at the beginning of the night to greet the owner of the event to introduce them as the head of the event.

    When the meeting was over one of the guys said to me - Turn around.
    And when I did I found this incredible landscape that blew my mind. I was grateful every moment for the urgency of having to go. To meet the response of these guys who were with the equipment on their shoulders. Of those who got sick also because they acted with all the responsibility they deserve.

    I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

    Spanish version

    ¡Hola comunidad de Hive!

    Tuve que salir de una corrida para el sur porque en un evento que teníamos tuvimos dos bajas y la verdad es un cliente muy importante para quien teníamos el evento. Entonces hablé con mi socio y resolvimos en ese instante que teníamos que cubrir todo, así que me fui el sábado a la madrugada al aeropuerto.

    Llegué al sur y fui directamente a ver al jefe del evento y al chef. Quienes son pareja y estaban destruidos en el hotel por dengue. Habían estado una semana atrás en un lugar al aire libre y creen que allí se habían contraído la enfermedad.

    Una vez que confirme que médicamente estaban controlados y bien, entonces ahí me fui para el evento a ver como estaba organizándose todo. Llegué y para mi tranquilidad y alegría me di cuenta que está todo recontra ordenado y bajo control.

    Hable con las cabezas del evento, gente en la que confiamos mucho y con quienes trabajamos hace poco y les pedi de tomar un cafe. Nos fuimos a la parte de atrás que tenía un café este espacio para estar al aire libre un lugar increíble en donde estábamos haciendo el evento. Entonces, nos sentamos y lo primero que hice fue agradecerles y transmitirles la seguridad que me dio al ir y ver que estaban manejando todos estuvieran en la línea laburando. Son tan solo dos niños que recién empiezan y son increíblemente crack laburando.

    Así que en ese café les pedí que transitan el evento y prestar atención si les gustaría asumir ese rol. Y que yo no iba a estar en el evento, solamente me iba a quedar con el teléfono prendido por lo que necesiten. Solamente iba a ir al inicio de la noche para saludar al dueño del evento para presentarlos a ellos como la cabeza del evento.

    Cuando termine la reunión uno de los chicos me dice - Date vuelta.
    Y cuando lo hice me encontré con este paisaje increíble que me voló la cabeza. Agradeció cada instante la urgencia de haber tenido que ir. De encontrarme con la respuesta de estos chicos que estaban con el equipo al hombro. De quienes se enfermaron también porque actuaron con toda la responsabilidad que se merece.

    ¡Espero que lo hayan disfrutado tanto como yo!


    Originally posted on DClub Community Articles. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.

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