Hive Philippines Street Photography #763 - by Allmonitors

in streetphotos •  4 months ago

    #763 - Monochrome for Thursday.

    Greetings on a Thursday evening dearest Hiveans. It's our second night here in the province of Quirino and we didn't do much. My wife turned on early after at six in the morning while I also prepared for a quick breakfast. I cooked fried eggs and eggplants also some sausages and reheat the viands. Then after eating breakfast my brother and I went to the market to buy pork legs and also chicken that we cooked for lunch because there were relatives that arrived to visit my mother. Some of the chicken will also be our viands tomorrow when we go to the beach.

    Now for our daily shots we have monochrome in the streets of the city of pines. We can see here a couple walking under the rain and the man is carrying the umbrella while also his right hand is over the shoulder of his lady.


    We could see also a crowd of people here...too much of them are seen in the main street of the business district...we could see parents carrying their kids and also couple and friends.

    The wife posing on the side of the road. She has been following me sometimes when I walk the streets and doing street shots.

    Two ladies helped each other to carry a bag while they make their way uphill going to a concrete step chasing those who are already ahead of them. The stairways are leading to the Cathedral of this city which is one of the spots visited by those who are Christians.

    On the left a woman leans on the metal post while she was waiting for a passenger vehicle so she can commute, it's probably a cab which is the most used mode of transportation here in this city. In the middle of the frame shows a woman who is making a phone call or is on the phone.

    Follow me on my street travels.
    Shot taken in Baguio City, Philippines.

    Image/s were shot using Panasonic Lumix ZS110. ~rex

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