New Users and Retention for Hive in 2023

in statistics •  5 months ago

    New Users

    Newly active users are those who join and post within 30 days. It declined sharply from 2021 to 2022, and almost hit an all time low in early 2023. Thankfully it started to recover somewhat in the latter half of the year. Keep in mind that the final month of February 2024 is not yet complete by this metric, I have shaded it differently to reflect that.


    Brand New User Retention

    This metric measures the proportion of authors who continue to post in their second month on Hive. 2023 was not a good year for this metric, having dropped to the levels seen before only in the days of Steem. It did at least recover towards the end of the year.


    Overall in 2023 the brand new user retention rate was 35.18%, the worst so far for Hive and lower than the average for the Steem era.

    New Users By Region

    As usual, most of our new users came from South America and in particular Venezuela. There was an especial spike of joiners in August, but it returned to normal quickly after.


    Our highest retention region however is not South America but Central America and the Caribbean, which includes Cuba.


    In fact, while active authors declined in every other region, Central American/Caribbean users are the only group on Hive which is continuing to grow month on month, year on year. This is primarily because it is the only region where our user retention is consistently high enough to maintain growth. Kudos to the guys over at @hivecuba.



    Aside from Central America, Africa was the only other region where Hive managed not to decline in active users during 2023, it at least held steady.

    Thanks to @arcange for providing the @hivesql service upon which my statistics posts depend, and in particular for managing to recover the service after it was recently hacked 😬

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