
in starwars •  2 months ago

    Watching the goat generation tech on his video about Barris in this show

    Something he pointed out that helps me better contextualize her appearance in the last short is that Barriss's healing capabilities consisted of her literally draining aspects of her own life force to help others
    So I believe that is why, in addition to her likely having to live in those harsh climates for quite some time, that she looks so "old"

    If Vader can be redeemed she certainly can. I do think there is an argument that we don't see enough of her good deeds on screen, but it's insinuated that she spent the time after ep2, many years, dedicating herself to helping others in that healing department
    Also without watching his videos I do think the title can feel a little clickbaity... What GT means when he says he thinks Barris is misunderstood, is that many have thought that she's become this remorseless, vengeful monster seeking death and destruction when really she was always against the Republic/empire as an institution because she felt they had fallen to the dark side and were purposefully prolonging the war and suffering.

    I do know that force healing takes a lot out of the user doing it
    Haven't had much of it in the visual stories but that's how it's atleast portrayed in that medium
    I can imagine it then having a more lasting impact on someone who makes it their literal job and service to others on a regular basis for many consecutive years, presumably.

    I think Barriss was given different trials (and those other jedi, as well) b/c she had already proven her disillusionment/affinity to the dark side with the temple bombings
    I know that some prospect inquisitors were literally tortured/forced into embracing the dark side while from the sith/vader/grand inquisitor's pov, she embraced it naturally
    this was also pretty early on in the program too based from the construction of fortress inquisitorious so i think that as well can excuse some mishandlings, as the project is still being refined
    (while I don't hold those same critiques based on my discourse above, I do think there is something to be said about making the audience do this kind of "deep" analysis on their own to better understand the subject matter, rather than presenting the facts more clear-cut on screen. I think with something like this there should be a balance, of sorts.)

    That whole dynamic to me had the same foundational flaws of the ahsoka/sabine one we got from Ahsoka
    I find the dynamic interesting... but they're telling us that there was a previous relationship there, but we haven't seen it
    And so that in and of itself limits the storytelling
    If we had seen the first time ahsoka/sabine teamed up and watched that end badly, us seeing them come back together in ahsoka s1 woulda hit differently. It would be the pay-off after what I would think to have been an unsatisfying ending after the first go-around. Same here with Barriss/Lin. If we saw their relationship they had with the Jedi, seeing how things have changed now would've made it hit differently... more impacting, imo.

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