in spt •  16 days ago

    Pulled about 40 common cards to further expand my soulbound deck towards the max level for the common cards and next will be to max all the rare then epic and then the legendary. My strategy so far is to pull all the chests for level one pricing as they have been giving me quite a few legendries plus epic cards as well as a lot of merits as well as other cards. As I need every card to max the chests are a no brainer as they offer all things that are needed, energy, merits and cards as well as the possible jackpot. The SPS earnings have went up a bit in WILD so far as I rented SPS to get to the equivalent multiplier I had before the SPS increase. Next I will not rent any SPS to see where the new rewards let me shake out with the SPS I own which is only a few hundred K not the millions I once had but I lucked out and happened to sell a bunch at close to 3 cents before the tank into the ground below a cent now. If I had kept all of the SPS I originally had and the 25 nodes I would have lost a ton of money as well as if I didn't sell a bunch of cards and some land plots before the prices absolutely tanked I would have lost a lot more of my accounts net worth but a good portion was preserved by selling it earlier this year after the first lay offs which was my signal to de risk a bit and cut my collection down so I am not risking so much money when there are issues. I should have sold sooner but I held on even after the big sps crash into the .03 range for the first time where I lost a lot of value. I am guessing my lost value is about what I gained over the years in the assets portion of the game since I hit a big gain in the beginning and its been bleeding since. I should have just focused on making the markets and renting cards as then it was very profitable to do so. Now my strategy is to preserve as much value as I can and sell any assets that happen to go into profit as I have a lot of assets still for the risk level of the game now and they go down by a thousand or two a week lately which has not been good so hopefully the team does something to get new players into the game that works bc we definitely need new players as the old players are tapped out I think from putting any extra money in the game except for earnings from the game which keep going down and that means less buying and less money. I definitely am purchasing only with income made from the game now and taking half to 75% out into diff protocols to get more cash flow built up. The other larger dexs and other income generation is a bit more steady right now. Also the new channels I think should not be gated for reading them as that already could have caused people to miss out on possible info if someone did not paste the update about the rentals on land in the tavern. Everyone should have access to all the same info as players and just keep it so if you do not qualify you cant type in it. Just like the treasury channel we need to see all information being discussed so its transparent. Having hidden channels so they cant even be seen is not transparent at a time when transparency is really needed in the game. When the game is struggling its not the time to put hidden channels where info is given to some and not others. This will eventually cause the same issues as mav chat where many people miss info given out early there. Also I qualified as a MAV for buying 30K packs and having a lot of assets but now my accounts are spread out a little and I don't meet the requirements for the channels unless i were to re set up a bunch of accounts to one and move a ton of things. If the channels are hidden one should still be able to see the content if it involves discussion about the game and probably info that everyone would need to know.

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