Battle Mage Secrets Weekly challenge... and a giveaway!

in spt •  9 days ago


    Finally back to the battlefield! Feels good to play again, although not on my favourite format, the wild one. Given the current state of wild, decided to focus alone on modern league, so climbing my way up from bronze. As such, joining the weekly challenge again, this time with a ruleset I do enjoy a lot:


    This ruleset eliminates magic from the battlefield, meaning only melee and ranged can be used: abilities like thorns and return fire are extra useful, and good armor (and repair) are crucial! So a ton of strategies that can be used here!

    I was having a hard time trying to find a battle with this specific ruleset, and ended up choosing one where odds were definitely not in my favour! But lady luck does play a role here; and after all, it's just a game!

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    Another ruleset in this battle, earthquake: all non-flying units take 2 damage each turn.

    There was a pretty low mana cap in this game, meaning it would probably be a short one. Normally in these cases, there are two ways to go: picking more cards with less mana so you can have more attackers/supporters on the battlefield; or choosing more powerful cards with higher mana, hoping they can overpower everything.

    My strategy and lineup:

    • Kelya as the summoner: a speed boost is handy in this ruleset, especially because of increased dodge; armor as well, given the lack of magical attacks!
    • Diemonshark as tank: high HP and armor, and a strong melee attack; and the ability to retaliate in a battle that would likely have less attackers.
    • Pelacor bandit: flying ability makes it free from damage in the earthquake ruleset; and a very high speed boosted by the summoner means more chances of dodging attacks
    • Torrent fiend: cannon fodder, in case of sneak attacks.

    My opponent chose a single strong card: Uriel! A flying card, also with heal; but with the huge disadvantage of only attacking every other round.

    I thought the odds were in my favour, given the high attack if the diemonshark and the pelacor. But already on the first round lady luck decided otherwise.

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    First miss from the diemonshark, an attack that would have cleared the armor. No stress, there was plenty of time, and at round 3, with the enraged diemonshark attacking with 6 melee plus 4 from the pelacor, victory was certain... or not...

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    Another miss, even with 5 more speed!

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    The diemonshark still managed to hit, but it was too late; with 6 Hp remaining, the next attack clears diemonshark, leaving just uriel vs pelacor on the battlefield. Given the high HP, heals 4 hp per round, effectively the same as the pelacor hits, so there was no hope left. Dodge still allowed the battle to go on intil round 18, but it was already a lost battle; you can see it all here!

    Rng gods can be mean! But still, merit to my opponent for the bold strategy.

    By the way, if you haven't joined a guild yet and you're a dedicated player, our guild Roaring Twenties is at level 10! If you're thinking about joining in, you can check the info on the guild page, or reach us on discord here to discuss membership!


    So, and who won this week's card?


    Congratulations @rimurutempest! The Warrior of Peace is going your way!

    For this next giveaway, the card that will be switching hands is...


    The Diemonshark!


    No upvote, follow or resteem required. Just comment! Or even better, tag a fellow player! Winner will be randomly chosen at post payout; good luck everyone!


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