SPS Governance Proposal - Tournament RF/GF Split Option B

in spsproposal •  5 months ago

    DAO Sponsored Preproposal 2b

    Welcome everyone, we're going to be trying something slightly different for the Tournament rework proposals. As we don't have a multiple choice proposal system, we'll be running multiple linked preproposals. The preproposal with the highest stake weighted support after the 7 day preproposal period will advance to a full vote and have a chance to be ratified by the SPS DAO.

    The purpose of this proposal is to outline what the rewards split between Regular Foil and Gold Foil tournaments sponsored by the SPS DAO should be going forward. If this proposal passes, all tournament rewards for each format going forward will be split as follows:

    • 40% Regular Foil
    • 60% Gold Foil

    This set of proposals is one piece of a comprehensive Tournament reform. There will be other proposals that address Rewards percentage by format, which formats the DAO wants to sponsor and potentially other issues that could be discovered throughout this process. Those will each be presented in a similar fashion for DAO approval.

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