Grain Prices Crashing Compared to DEC

in sps •  7 days ago

    Grain prices have crashed from there high in the 50 grain per dec range to almost 80 grain per dec so now everyone is getting a lot less also factoring in that dec has gone up in value grain may be falling faster than it shows right now since when DEC goes into its sell cycle it will go down in price making the amount of dec you get per grain even less along with the overall inflation of grain since it has no real purpose right this moment other than feed workers to get more grain , research or sps depending. I have held onto some grain in the LP as likely demand will go up eventually for grain and prices may reverse if more demand gets introduced like the demand for research as research will have a use in the game prior to 2.0 likely stoking demand for grain and land depending on what that reward is. I have not gotten into much research yet but have started a little of my research plots as I wanted to get the grain and sps plots up first to start producing those which was a good call as selling more SPS earlier so far has been a good idea to recover costs and then eventually make a profit but must recover the cost put into land before which is why I still sell some even when prices are low bc they can always keep going lower. Nothing says SPS will stop going down or that it wont and right now it is likely to go down a bit more in the near term and hopefully it will not or it will start to bottom out and recover giving people another reason to play the game and many people only care about the token price per unit so to improve sentiment having SPS go up and stay elevated a little bit would do wonders for the ecosystem and get rid of any salt.

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