Gold I, no longer able to reach Diamond, is that a sign that people are getting better?
Match Report
Stat | #wild |
Gold Rank | 1879 |
Rating | 2620 - Gold I |
Rating High | 2680 |
Ratio (Win/Loss) | 0.96 (176/184) |
Longest Streak | 7 |
Win/loss ratio was 0.96, which is not as good as usual, but will do!
Rewards Report
Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)
Ranked Play Wins | Tokens Received |
176 | ✨ 11174 Glint + ⭐42.495 SPS |
Season Rewards Claimed | ✨ 13188 Glint |
Glint Spent | ✨ (25850) Glint |
Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.
Only 25850 Glint for a whole season. Not much!
⭐ SPS Report
Type | ⭐ Amount |
Staking Rewards | 13.282 |
Ranked Rewards as above | 42.495 |
Brawl Rewards | 14.941 |
Liquidity Rewards | 0.794 |
NET SPS | 71.512 |
After half a month, 71.5 more SPS, worth $0.63. Ranked rewards are still the best way to achieve SPS.
Keep saying this, again and again, we need more new players. Much more!
Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
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