# My Journey - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 43 Report Card

in splinterstats •  4 months ago


    After the rework of ranking system, I advanced to diamond rank this season. Using Max level cards in battles is definitely cool.

    Match Report


    Diamond Rank348
    Rating3410 - Diamond I
    Rating High3510
    Ratio (Win/Loss)0.94 (178/189)
    Longest Streak7

    I end up my season in Diamond I this season which is good as I can start at 2900 rank in new season. The win rate dropped slightly in this season as I am climbing up for more battles in higher rank.

    Tournaments Report


    TournamentLeagueEditionsPlacement/#entrantsRatio (Win/Loss+Draw)Prize
    Silver Shield SeriesSilverAC119/2801.75 (7/4/0)
    Tidalring Modern Novice InvitationalNoviceModern Open117/4551.00 (11/10/1)
    Drybone Wild Gold InvitationalGoldWild Open173/3731.20 (6/5/0)
    Victor's Modern Gold InvitationalGoldModern Open245/4941.20 (6/5/0)
    Ferexian Modern Silver InvitationalSilverModern Open268/5811.20 (6/5/0)
    Gauntlet Wild Bronze InvitationalBronzeWild Open175/5091.75 (7/4/0)
    Mount Mox Modern Diamond InvitationalDiamondModern Open258/4330.83 (5/6/0)
    Poseidar Wild Silver InvitationalSilverWild Open164/4880.83 (10/12/0)
    Modern League of ChampionsDiamondModern Open84/2011.20 (6/5/0)10 SPS
    Summun Infuria Modern Silver InvitationalSilverModern Open82/1591.20 (6/5/0)7 SPS
    Modern League of ChampionsDiamondModern Open84/2011.20 (6/5/0)10 SPS
    Golath Zulmar Modern Diamond Beginner TrainingDiamondModern Open23/2022.50 (15/6/0)50 SPS
    Ninhelm Wild Gold InvitationalGoldWild Open134/1760.38 (3/7/1)
    Gauntlet Wild Bronze InvitationalBronzeWild Open114/1400.38 (3/8/0)9 SPS
    Beginners Training Tournament (NO BOTS ALLOWED)BronzeModern Open19/671.33 (20/14/1)50 DEC + 50 DEC in Kryptogamers Lightning Wallet
    Poseidar Wild Silver InvitationalSilverWild Open151/1850.38 (3/8/0)10 SPS
    Beginners Training Tournament (NO BOTS ALLOWED)NoviceModern Open37/700.40 (10/25/0)10 DEC + 10 DEC in Kryptogamers Lightning Wallet
    Ninhelm Wild Gold InvitationalGoldWild Open148/1870.38 (3/8/0)
    Gauntlet Wild Bronze InvitationalBronzeWild Open34/1521.44 (13/9/0)60.818 SPS


    Dark Energy Crystals (DEC)260
    SplinterShards (SPS)7156.81799999999998
    Custom Prizes12n/a
    Fees (estimate)Quantity

    Participating in different tournaments is a good way to improve my battle skills, as well as for the amazing rewards.

    Rewards Report

    Standard Foil Cards
    Total Standard261
    Gold Foil Cards
    Total Gold3

    Loot Chests

    Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲Token
    Legendary Potions115162277🟡 11080
    Alchemy Potions17474248🟡 12400
    DEC00-🟣 0
    SPS771.423732.250-⭐ 1503.673
    Merits76931340-🎀 9033
    CHAOS Packs000🟡 0
    Cards (Total)154110264-

    Captured DEC/SPS (Ranked Rewards)

    Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned
    178🟣 0 + ⭐889.698

    Total Ranked Play Rewards

    Total Ranked Play Earnings
    🟣 0 DEC
    🟡 23480 CREDITS
    ⭐ 2393.371 SPS

    I am getting more and more reward cards from time to time as I advance to diamond rank. The daily rewards have improved.

    🟣 Rental Report

    Expenses (inc. fees)(6446.555)
    Cancellation Refunds678.363

    Still, I am renting some of the good cards that i need to high rank battles. It is like average 300 DEC each day. Also, I rent about 120k SPS for my focus point.

    ⭐ SPS Report

    Type⭐ Amount
    Staking Rewards61.533
    Ranked Rewards as above2393.371
    Brawl Rewards133.725
    NET SPS2588.629

    I have got around 2500 SPS this season which is a big improvement from GOLD ranking that were 1000 SPS.

    Keep all the great works up and fight for next season. The EOS chests are not so good in this season and I will still fight for it.

    Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
    This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
    Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.

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